And at this point, you know, I was running away from him. He identified it immediately, because the symptoms are so bizarre, but all similar. He was—as an elder person, he sort of had a bout of depression that was pretty serious. There’s no—you know, there’s like—this program could be an amazing program if it was like a halfway house and if they were paid the right amount, if they were paid like, you know, what CAL FIRE makes, or at least seasonal employees. But then after Donald Trump, and "grab them by the pussy," and Harvey Weinstein, and all of them, it's not that specific memories of the assault would pop up, I just felt immobilized, anxious, protective of my body. A collection of podcasts episodes with or about James Lowe, often where they are 037 | Unite Nashville Prayer Walks | James Lowe & Kevin Queen the House of Rugby studio to talk about Ireland heading to the World Cup as World No.1, 25 of James Lowe Podcasts Interviews James Lowe could make Ireland bow; Kevin McStay on a famous “I was unformed,” she says, adding “I was less formed.” She didn’t have a choice about taking lithium in the same way McDermott at first felt he did. Jaime Lowe is a writer for the New York Times Magazine and the author of Mental, a memoir about bipolar disorder. How it felt, for me, personally, was like nothing but distraught and just like complete fear that I would end up manic again, because another medication wouldn’t work. Some of her memories are gut wrenching and awful, some are a hallucinogenic dream. To see Part 1 of the conversation, you can go to AMY GOODMAN: I don’t think you described that point where you tapered off and what it meant in terms of what happened to you. NERMEEN SHAIKH: Well, I mean, one of the things that you say is that there was a huge shift in public policy regarding mental health in the mid-’80s that made healthcare so much—healthcare for mental illness so much more difficult to access for so many people. When we come back, we’ll go from that UCLA adolescent psych ward to the salt flats of Bolivia, where so much of lithium is. And I think that’s why a lot of times they’re kind of like woven in together, where you’re trying to self-medicate with either, you know, drugs or booze or whatever. I thought people could figure that out. But lithium is—the problem is, is that there aren’t more tests done on lithium for other applications, because there isn’t a market for it. The definition, as I understand it, for bipolar disorder would be that there is a period of manic highs followed by a cycle of depression. Like, this is who I am. It’s not—like she always wanted to be called manic depressive, and that “bipolar” always sounded weird to her. I think that that was why I ended up writing the book, was there were a lot of unanswered questions or a lot of threads to follow. I didn’t really know much about it in its place in the world. And so, that, the inmate firefighters, was—like, I wanted to write about that because of a woman who had died while fighting the fires. And so, I remember it was sort of like they would rotate babysitting duties with me. JAIME LOWE: Sure. For me, I come from like—I think I just have never really had a filter. I really am not functioning the way that I should be. In an interview with parents Friday, Elizabeth McBane, mother of two high school … NERMEEN SHAIKH: Well, one of the strange things, which you also point out, is that there’s still—despite this massive prevalence of mental illness, there’s still a kind of social stigma that’s attached to it. Copy may not be in its final form. I know that very few people have that. AMY GOODMAN: We want to thank you for being with us, Jaime—. I’m going to barter for things. But, you know, I say that I’m really lucky, because I can do that. JAIME LOWE: Right. For me, it does. And it’s also—I mean, it’s like they are paid almost nothing, and then they’re trained. A lot of people, it doesn’t work for. JAIME LOWE: That’s true. But I really don’t know. I mean, there are so many things that are just beyond imaginable. So, I did it. But they all had sort of seen this pattern of disarray, mental disarray, I guess. AMY GOODMAN: This is Democracy Now! People aren’t—like, psychiatrists don’t prescribe it as much, because it’s not as marketed by pharmaceutical companies. Can you talk about what it means for girls, for boys, for women, for men? Fine Artist of NYC battled Ewing Sarcoma I was a real—you know, you’re really like—you don’t want to talk to—you don’t want to hear any rules. But then, when I went to college, everything was great, and I didn’t really think about it. To talk more about her experience with an illness that’s still associated with social stigma despite affecting tens of millions of Americans, we’re joined now by author and journalist Jaime Lowe. This is viewer supported news. You know, that was one of the few things in the book where I was trying to really find a reason for that, because the symptoms are so bizarre. I’m Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh. And that was when I wanted to sort of know him more. AMY GOODMAN: And then when you ultimately had to go off it, which is more recent, because of kidney trouble. I had—the rabbis were visiting me. Democracy Now! He’s been a loving father my entire life and very supportive and trying to understand what all of this is, as all my parents have always tried to do, because it’s not easy. Just over four years ago, the mad Wu-Tang affiliated rapper Ol’ … Like there’s no money to be made. AMY GOODMAN: And the medication was lithium? JAIME LOWE: I think that that’s how some people see it. What does this mean? And I think, even though it sounds terrible, I just let go of everything and kind of collapsed and realized that I needed to kind of re-evaluate. So that’s something that many people who are bipolar experience. And if any of them had said like, “Oh, you’re experiencing mania. And what did they tell you, at the time, that you were suffering from? And I did the last interview with him for The Village Voice before he passed away, and ended up feeling like that book was actually equally about mental illness as this book, but—. Please do your part today. JAIME LOWE: Well, I’m lucky that the medications have worked, too, because they don’t work for a lot of people. And actually, that was one of the things my mom says, is that when—for the second episode, one of the first signs that she thought that I was getting better was that—when we were in an elevator and I didn’t talk to every single person in the elevator. Now, in terms of your own experience, your own symptoms, do you think that the term “bipolar” captures something that “manic depression” did not? I was freelancing. And I think that it’s a travesty, actually, that mental healthcare is a luxury item. I had been experiencing just so much tumult in my life that to have something that kind of evened everything out was good. I was, you know, still hallucinating. studio. It was in January of 2001. She is a frequent contributor to The New York Times Magazine and her work has appeared in New York magazine, Esquire, Sports Illustrated, Maxim, Gawker, The Village Voice, LA Weekly, and on I was getting—I had a job offer. JAIME LOWE: Yeah. AMY GOODMAN: And have you felt any—any effects of writing this book or writing the piece you did in The New York Times, magazines, publications you’d want to write for about many different issues, raising this? And that’s what I work for. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. And I think that a lot of—you know, there was this comprehensive study of research from the past 40 years that basically said that sexual assault victims are associated with mental illness. This really isn’t like a”—. AMY GOODMAN: Nine years after you started it. This is the way that my life played out. I was like a menace to everyone on the ward. Like I have a distinct memory of like just a little taste of calm. Nobody really still knows how it works. Lowe is the author of Digging for Dirt: The Life and Death of ODB, a biography of Ol’ Dirty Bastard, a founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan. The thing about mental illness is that it’s so individual. Please do your part today. And that took 30 percent of federal funding away from mental illness care. So I just sort of assumed they were psychosomatic. So, the beginning of it, I was very resistant to medications. JAIME LOWE: So, I think part of that is just that psychiatric care is in its infancy. Special on Flint, 2020 Ballot Initiative Wins: Abortion Rights, Lawyers for People Facing Eviction & Payday Loan Limits, Bryan Stevenson Wins “Alternative Nobel”: We Must Overturn This Horrific Era of Mass Incarceration, New Malcolm X Biography Offers Insight into His Split with Nation of Islam & Assassination, Native American Analyst: Our Voting Bloc Helped Flip Wisconsin Blue After It Voted for Trump in 2016. is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. JAIME LOWE: No. We do not accept funding from advertising, underwriting or government agencies. So, my psychiatrist and I decided that I would try Depakote again. It’s the same, like I don’t have an alternative to gauge it by. JAIME LOWE: I think I’m lucky in more ways than I can probably articulate, because I’m lucky in terms of my family, in that I have so much family that’s always been so supportive and kind of there to pick up the pieces. This disorder used to be called manic depression, I mean, in the period you’re speaking of where this shift occurred, in the 1980s. We continue our interview with journalist and author Jaime Lowe about her remarkable memoir, Mental: Lithium, Love, and Losing My Mind. AMY GOODMAN: Jaime Lowe, this goes to the question of social stigma, and that is, how you decided to write this book, really to come out publicly. NERMEEN SHAIKH: I think one of the reasons, as you suggest in your book, that your family was so helpful—and going back to what we were talking about with social stigma—is that they realized that what you were going through was not a choice. I know what I go through, and I know what other people go through based on that and based on what they tell me. And that was the bad part. And I think that then each episode is also a trauma in itself, because they’re really, really intense, really, really kind of—they sort of shift the way your life moves, and it’s like a different narrative then. Lowe notes mental illness is still associated with social stigma despite affecting tens of millions of Americans. NERMEEN SHAIKH: “Everyone has a brain, which plays a major role in mental illness. Years ago, I couldn’t say the word Lithium aloud. Jaime Lowe We continue our interview with journalist and author Jaime Lowe about her remarkable memoir, Mental: Lithium, Love, and Losing My Mind. I was like totally a not nice person to the people around me, and I didn’t want to hear anything from them. Please do your part today. It’s out there. Of course, it means for lithium and all other drugs. And I think that I’m lucky—. AMY GOODMAN: And so, what did they give you? We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. There are like highs that are wearing, you know, head-to-toe glitter and like 18 tutus, 16 belts, 30 necklaces and like, you know, this like crazy—and I can see it like when I’m on the subway sometimes. And—, JAIME LOWE: I mean, it’s basically—it is—I mean, the way that my first psychiatrist described it was that it was like being high on cocaine, so that—it’s like 1/1,000th of that, because I—when I first tried cocaine, I was like, “This is not that exciting. Interview by Jaime Lowe Jan. 16, 2019 Last month, Congress passed the First Step Act, a prison-reform bill intended to reduce recidivism. And so I don’t know how I would react to me, if I were in the reverse position. And so I just really wanted to know more about who she was. JAIME LOWE: Psychoanalysis and therapy and counseling and talking and figuring out basically why you’re in a situation that you’re in, and sort of help with that situation. AMY GOODMAN: With the millions of people expected to fall off healthcare, are you concerned about the mentally ill in this country? In 2011, Humphrey set out on his goal: to meet and photograph one person a day for a year. She tells her own story, beginning with an early manic episode and onward throughout the rollercoaster of coping with her mental illness. AMY GOODMAN: And explain what lithium is, and explain how—what effect it had on you and why you eventually, after decades, had to give it up. View Jaime Lowe’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Stay with us. This is viewer supported news. And so, it’s nice to know that those things exist in other people’s world, as well. With a knack for listening and passion for both people and politics, Opelika’s Jamie Lowe may remind you of Barack Obama – if the former president had a southern twang.. It’s a comparison the humbly confident Lowe may not accept, but he has built a pretty impressive political resume for himself. We have—in 2010, I think there were 43,000 psychiatric beds in the U.S., and that was the same number that we had in 1850, which is crazy, like. “Thirsty for Democracy: The Poisoning of an American City”: Complete Democracy Now! And I started—I like was—I quit my job. And so, that’s where I ended up. And I think part of the reason it was seamless was because it had to be. 25 Longest Home Runs of the Decade (2010-2017) - Duration: 14:48. And this is what, going forward, I’m going to have to take.” That year was really hard, just because I was kind of—you know, gave up on high school and friends and everything. Many parts are horrible. I don’t like have a preference one way or the other. AMY GOODMAN: You describe in your book about the importance of your family, like you dedicate this to all your parents. And I think that the—so, I think the sexual assault actually is part of it. I was still delusional. You’re a professional journalist. So how do you want those family members to respond to you? She shares and investigates her experience with mental illness and the drugs used to combat it. Well, to be honest, I wish I had come up with the premise behind Theron Humphrey’s This Wild Idea. to your inbox each morning. And all of my parents—my parents are divorced. Lithium was kind of in my back pocket and worked. I mean, I think that the high leads to poor decision-making. Did you know that you can get Democracy Now! So can you say what role you think trauma plays in this? Occasionally Lowe’s biography bogs down in digression; but her interviews, analyses, and commentaries are always engaging and often bittersweet, as when she discusses the public’s fascination with celebrities and its accompanying schadenfreude: “There’s a small explicit thrill, envy almost, in watching public figures self-destruct, particularly when it involves sex, drugs, and creativity, … It was really, really hard. And some of it was very—you know, some parts of mental illness are kind of funny. You talked about traveling to the Bolivian salt mines, where half of the world’s lithium is found. NERMEEN SHAIKH: According to the American Psychiatric Association, bipolar disorders are, quote, “brain disorders that cause changes in a person’s mood, energy and ability to function.” Bipolar disorder used to be called manic depression. I had to go through a lot before Dr. DeAntonio, who was the head of adolescent care there, diagnosed me. I remember sitting there with him. Jaime Lowe is an American writer. But when I’m not on the medication, the highs and lows are unmanageable. AMY GOODMAN: —where half of lithium is found in? I sometimes just tell them to call my mom or my dad or my stepdad or my stepmom. And this was like the thing I had not experienced with lithium when I was first prescribed it. It’s why it’s hard to get mentally ill people to stay on medications, as the side effects can be really severe. AMY GOODMAN: And were you self-aware? There was a moment of clarity, and I think it was only after being worn down for so long and so many times by everyone around me, that I remember—because they all—all of my parents continued working during my second episode, because they had no idea how long it was going to last, and they couldn’t afford to not work. They were involved in some of the things that were kind of the outlandish parts of the way I was behaving, were like manifestations of having been assaulted. She is a frequent contributor to The New York Times Magazine.Lowe is the author of Digging for Dirt: The Life and Death of ODB and Mental: Lithium, Love, and Losing My Mind.. Jaime Lowe’s 8 Rules For Writing Memoirs You have general practitioners who are writing psychiatric—you know, prescriptions for psychiatric care. What do you say to families of people who have manic depression, where they become the target, those that want to help the most become the target? And I think that you can sometimes see, from—like you can see yourself acting and say, “This is not what I would normally do, but this is what I’m doing.” I think that because it’s been thought of as a weakness, people are afraid to kind of say that they’ve experienced that, too. is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. JAIME LOWE: So it’s really cheap. JAIME LOWE: So, the first time I tried Depakote, it was just—the side effects were really, really intense, and I like was crying all the time, and it was a mess. JAIME LOWE: Right, right. She was a child. You don’t want to hear anything from anybody. And the minute I started investigating it, it was like this miracle drug. She’s an author and journalist. NERMEEN SHAIKH: But what does that mean, “cycling”? Lowe is the author of Digging for Dirt: The Life and Death of ODB, a biography of Ol’ Dirty Bastard, a founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan. Everybody sort of has their own—you know, as the symptoms are very similar, but each person really—it’s the hardest thing to treat, because it’s just your own experience is slightly different from the person next to you, which is why it’s really hard to tackle as a national issue. I’m not a religious person at all. AMY GOODMAN: And then, we met you not through anything to do with this. JAIME LOWE: I totally cop out, because it’s so hard for me to say what the people around me have experienced. Special on Flint, 2020 Ballot Initiative Wins: Abortion Rights, Lawyers for People Facing Eviction & Payday Loan Limits, Bryan Stevenson Wins “Alternative Nobel”: We Must Overturn This Horrific Era of Mass Incarceration, New Malcolm X Biography Offers Insight into His Split with Nation of Islam & Assassination, Native American Analyst: Our Voting Bloc Helped Flip Wisconsin Blue After It Voted for Trump in 2016, "Mental: Lithium, Love, and Losing My Mind", Part 1: Lithium, Love and Losing My Mind: Jaime Lowe on Her Life with Bipolar Disorder & Drugs to Manage It, Part 2: “Mental” Author Jaime Lowe on Living with Bipolar Disorder, Facing Social Stigma & Finding Support, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, Mike Davis: As Workers Face Dangerous Conditions Amid Reopening, We Need Unions & Medicare for All, “American Abyss”: Fascism Historian Tim Snyder on Trump’s Coup Attempt, Impeachment & What’s Next, America Has Entered the Weimar Era: Walden Bello on How Neoliberalism Fueled Trump & Violent Right, NY Rep. Adriano Espaillat Tests Positive for Coronavirus After Receiving 2nd Dose of Vaccine. JAIME LOWE: So, I—that was what basically brought on this book, is that I had realized that I had this almost love affair with lithium, like this relationship with lithium, that it really helped me function for two decades in a way that I never would have had, and that the minute that I had this physical like reminder that it wasn’t actually 100 percent good for me or that it was, you know, eating away at my kidneys—which is not a technical term—that I had to know more about it. I thought I knew secret tunnels to Neverland. I remember the deli. My family is completely not—they’re very Reform, and we’re not on that trip. And I had this moment where I was like, “I don’t have any idea. And they had figured out that the adolescent ward at UCLA was the best place for treatment, and had sort of taken me to the ER. I’m going to just like buy brussels sprouts and, like, squash.” And like, I was sending like $700 of squash to neighbors. It’s this kind of this amazing miracle salt. You know? JAIME LOWE: Yes, I think it does. JAIME LOWE: Yes. He said that. AMY GOODMAN: —they become a prescription mill, even if they don’t want to be. I’m like in the 1 percent of, you know, the mentally ill, because so many people cannot afford to do that and could never even entertain that concept. NERMEEN SHAIKH: What do you mean by “analysis”? JAIME LOWE: Thank you so much for having me. I think that, you know, in the same way that—and this sounds horrible, but the same way that you break a horse, like I think that I was just so far gone, and I had been tackled by nurses to take medication at that point. Please do your part today. I’m Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh. I mean, it was an illness that you were, you know, afflicted with, not something that you had the volition, you know, to control. JAIME LOWE: It’s funny, because my concerns were probably more professional than they were about being bipolar and coming out as bipolar, just because, like I said earlier, I am—I have no filter. JAIME LOWE: So, lithium is the third element on the periodic table. And then I had—it worked so well, actually, that I—with my psychiatrist, once I had moved to New York after college, we decided that I could like taper down, try life without lithium, because—, JAIME LOWE: That was—I was 25, so it was about—. AMY GOODMAN: —and for writing this book, Mental: Lithium, Love, and Losing My Mind. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. And one of the things that triggered the really, really bad parts of that episode is that—when I was on one of the job interviews that I went on for—I think it was Blender magazine, which is this music magazine published by Maxim and stuff, and my apartment burned down. But they have no way of bridging the gap between when they’re released and actually working for CAL FIRE, like there’s no job afterwards. But I think like each time something happens, there’s like a little bit—a part of you kind of shifts with it. And I think, with mental illness, you’re out of control and you’re this other person without the drugs that you would be taking. She was on lithium for two decades but was forced to go off it when she experienced serious kidney problems as a result of the medication. Let’s start now by talking about the use of prescription medication for antidepressants among all ages increasing nearly 400 percent—over what period of time? READ MY LATEST BLOG POST - A NEAR MISS. I really am destroying everything around me. You didn’t have those problems. You talked about taking lithium for 20 years and what it meant to you. They told me was I was manic depressive, which was what it was called in—when I was diagnosed, in '93. For me, it was kind of seamless. It also is a metal. So, can you talk about the journey you took to the place, the land of lithium—. I was feeling fine. Like, I don’t want to do this to rest my life. Talk about the decision you made and your concerns about it and the kind of response you’ve gotten to it. So can you talk about what prompted that shift and what the effect of that has been? The rest of the medications are more for depression, and I suffer more from mania. I am what I am, like Popeye. “Thirsty for Democracy: The Poisoning of an American City”: Complete Democracy Now! AMY GOODMAN: Jaime, can you talk about what you write at the end of your book, which is, “I am lucky. JAIME LOWE: And a lot of that is because that—those are GPs doing that. I think, you know, the first book I wrote was also sort of related to mental illness, and I don’t think I realized that fully. Every year some 44 million Americans experience mental illness, of which almost 6 million are diagnosed as bipolar. Sign up for our Daily News Digest today! I had been like whispering all of these, you know, conspiracy theories to different patients. because you wrote this piece for The New York Times, “The Incarcerated Women Who Fight California’s Wildfires.”. Jaime has 5 jobs listed on their profile. Jaime Lowe is a writer living in Brooklyn. Jaime Lowe is a writer living in Brooklyn.She is a frequent contributor to The New York Times Magazine and her work has appeared in New York magazine, Esquire, Sports Illustrated, Maxim, Gawker, The Village Voice, LA Weekly, and on The following year, in ’81, Reagan repealed the act. Our Daily Digest brings Democracy Now! But when I was in the hospital, I was like saying, you know, the prayers. Like, you’re right.” But I kind of remember the bean soup. Now, it doesn’t necessarily mean it triggers it or that it causes it, but that there is this link between the two things. And they’re not really hotels. Jaime was sexually assaulted thirty years ago, when she was thirteen, and she’s rarely articulated the details out loud—until now. I mean, I think that that makes it so that psychiatric care is socialized in a way that you have people who have enough money that can actually afford to pay for—I mean, my psychiatrist is not on my health insurance. I have like a million parents. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. Like you need to just like back up and stop talking to me. It’s why mental illness is really hard to treat also. No manic person—in the throes of omnipotence, ecstasy, and strategic warfare—wants to hear that they are…just sick,” Lowe writes. They have these little salt hotels. I think that when you think about how the FDA has approved medications and how recently that’s been, lithium wasn’t approved, actually, until the early '70s. Like I’m going to figure this out on my own.” And there’s—you know, that’s the really scary part, I think, is when it’s just not getting through, and over and over again. And that's—you know, very slowly thereafter, other medications have come out as being effective for depression or being effective for anxiety, being effective for insomnia. She was on lithium for two decades but was forced to go off it when she experienced serious kidney problems as a result of the medication. I don’t know. But no. This is Democracy Now! 9:26. It’s present everywhere on Earth, in the galaxy, in our bodies, for everyone. To see her full performances and interview, go to So—. AMY GOODMAN: Can you, because you’re a journalist and you’ve really deeply researched all of this now and you’re so deeply informed by your own personal experience, talk about what the definition of bipolar disorder is? Democracy Now! Why was the term changed? Jaime, it’s great to have you with us and to continue this conversation. And then, also describe how you changed on lithium, what kind of effects it had on you and, in your research and interviews with so many other people who have experienced this, what it meant to them. And maybe that’s because I was diagnosed when I was 16, and it’s always been kind of a part of who I am. Jamie Lowe Jamie Lowe Jamie Lowe Jamie Lowe It was about Ol’ Dirty Bastard from the Wu-Tang Clan, and he was diagnosed schizophrenic. But I think that I didn’t want to only be a writer who was writing about myself, and I didn’t only want to be a writer who was writing about mental illness, even though the mental illness was something I was fascinated by and I wanted to know more about, and I felt like there was definitely like deep investigation to be done there, and especially because it touched me so personally. That are just beyond imaginable in Los Angeles in 1993, when I kind of just put me in country... 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