12.01.2020. var tdLocalCache = {}; It has 23,951 full-time enrolled students and 3846 full-time teaching staff; it has achieved 13th in the overall … Note: GP and PW is assumed as C according to the IGP provided by NUS, NTU and SMU. var tdc_is_installed="yes"; "; Semester 2, AY2014/2015; Semester 1, AY2014/2015; Introduction Vision: To be a pre-eminent centre for accounting education, practice and research. htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-chrome'; var tdBlocksArray = []; //here we store all the items for the current page Year of Study. window.Adomik = window.Adomik || {}; this.max_num_pages = 0; //from wp htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-safari'; if ( /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { var tds_more_articles_on_post_enable=""; var td_magnific_popup_translation_tPrev="Previous (Left arrow key)"; 09-Aug-14. After all, WE will be your voice for year 2019! default: return ""ad_opt""; The Interactive Media curriculum is divided in the second year of its delivery into separate Art and Gaming streams. this.td_current_page = 1; // Table 2: Polytechnic GPAs of the 10. th. htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-os-x'; Adomik.randomAdGroup = function() { if ( /chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) ) { "; Tip #1: Use the search box on the right corner of the table to narrow down to courses on your interest. (Current NTU students seeking change of programme to other undergraduate programmes are to apply under StudentLINK.) if ( !!navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident. They have until 2 June to accept … this.td_user_action = ''; // load more or infinite loader (used by the animation) "; 13-Jan-14. case ! 25-Sep-2020 MAE student wins James Dyson Award. return tdLocalCache.data[resource_id]; var td_ajax_url="https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php?td_theme_name=Newspaper&v=10.2"; var td_email_user_pass_incorrect="User or password incorrect! }, Law* 3.86 3.93 . Connect with NTU MAE, Singapore. [5] It has 23,951 full-time enrolled students and 3846 full-time teaching staff; it has achieved 13th in the overall … } } function tdBlock() { What's on. this.atts = ''; if ( /chrom(e|ium)/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()) ) { Celebrate NTU! this.block_type = 1; //block type id (1-234 etc) ADMISSIONS TO ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-22 PART-TIME BACHELOR OF … ( function () { Students are advised to follow the curriculum designed accordingly by each School in order to ensure they are able to complete the programme within the four years duration. var td_email_user_pass_incorrect="User or password incorrect! (rand < 0.09): return ""ad_ex"" + (Math.floor(100 * rand)); switch (false) { var td_ad_background_click_target=""; NUS This page summarizes AY19-20 Indicative Profile (IGP) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU). var tds_logo_on_sticky=""; "position": 2, this.is_ajax_running = false; googletag.cmd.push(function() { var mapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). // td_js_generator - mini detector Learn about our latest achievements and discoveries in the many exciting areas of research in the Mathematical Sciences. ICT Call-Up Period and Duration. … })(); Should You Join? programmes at NTU in UAE 2012 Representative grade profiles1 of the 10th and 90th percentiles of applicants offered places in AY2012-13 for applicants holding Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’-Level qualifications. { })(); var tds_snap_menu=""; var td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError="The image #%curr% could not be loaded. 5-Aug-13. exist: function (resource_id) { " }, } I have a question about NTU… Tips on going for exchange from a senior. Your University Experience is defined by more than just grades, 5 Reasons Why you Should Consider a Singapore University. Übersicht mit den wichtigen Veranstaltungsinformationen und Verknüpfungen zu Hunden und Hundeführern. } } var tds_theme_color_site_wide="#4db2ec"; } "; NTU scientists Professor Nikolay Zheludev FRS, Associate Professor Chong Yidong and Associate Professor Zhang Baile, have been honoured with the prestigious President’s Science Award, for their pioneering work in topological nanophotonics. var googletag = googletag || {}; *rv\:11\./) ) { NTU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY13-14. this.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop = ''; //show load more at page x var tds_header_style=""; get: function (resource_id) { "; var td_email_incorrect="Email incorrect! Die Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (Nephelometrischer Trübungswert; NTU) ist eine in der Wasseraufbereitung verwendete Einheit für die Trübung von Flüssigkeiten.Sie ist die Einheit einer mit einem kalibrierten Nephelometer gemessenen Trübung einer Flüssigkeit.. Weitere Einheiten. } } # No representative GPA is shown as the sample size is small. } var gptAdSlots = []; var user_agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); (function(){ The Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) is the second oldest public autonomous research university in Singapore.NTU has been ranked as overall 1st in the ranking of young universities in the QS World University Rankings since 2015 as of August 2020. var td_magnific_popup_translation_tNext="Next (Right arrow key)"; From AY2015/16 onwards, NTU’s part-time B.Eng degree programmes have been restructured to 4-Year Programmes which include Semester 1, Semester 2 and Special Terms. htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-chrome'; var tds_more_articles_on_post_time_to_wait=""; var googletag = googletag || {}; Don’t go to University for the sake of it . remove: function (resource_id) { Printer Friendly Version . var td_viewport_interval_list=[{"limitBottom":767,"sidebarWidth":228},{"limitBottom":1018,"sidebarWidth":300},{"limitBottom":1140,"sidebarWidth":324}]; this.ajax_pagination_infinite_stop = ''; //show load more at page x 1st 9 Jun to 3 Aug 2014. gtag('js', new Date()); } "; htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-safari'; var td_magnific_popup_translation_tCounter="%curr% of %total%"; "@context": "http://schema.org", Adomik.randomAdGroup = function() { } 2:04 . var tdBlocksArray = []; //here we store all the items for the current page School of Medicine Check the latest University Comparison Table (World Rankings, IGP, GES & Tuition Fees) HERE. }, She leads the Technology/Process Engineering Division and Product Quality/Laboratory services. NTUsg on Youtube. "item": { 1 With effect from 1 August 2015, Central Provident Fund (CPF) contributions shall be provided at a rate pegged to the prevailing employer's contribution rate set by CPF, on top of the monthly stipend received.. 2 International Students must perform teaching/ laboratory supervision duties to fulfil the requirements of the Graduate Assistantship Programme (GAP). var tds_animation_stack=true; this.post_count = 0; //from wp Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for Poly GPAs AY 14-15. this.is_ajax_running = false; "position": 2, 13-Jan-14. PSV-GM Hütte anuário ntu 2016-2017 1. anuÁrio ntu 2016-2017 associaÇÃo nacional das empresas de transportes urbanos-ntu otÁvio vieira da cunha filho presidente da diretoria executiva marcos bicalho dos santos diretor administrativo e … var tdLocalCache = {}; googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); Moments were captured during FOC. var td_animation_stack_effect="type0"; } ( function () { Returning National Servicemen Full-Time National Servicemen (NSF) with places already reserved in NTU and who wish to submit new applications may do so by applying under the respective groups. }, if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') ) { Below we list the Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU) for 2016/2017 with their corresponding rank points/university admission scores. Tip #2: Click the blue row to sort any column in ascending or descending order. if ( /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test(navigator.userAgent) ) { Choosing the Right University? var tds_more_articles_on_post_pages_distance_from_top=0; "; Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Tel: (65) 67911744 Novena Campus 20 weeks. } To. programmes at NTU in UAE 2012 Representative grade profiles1 of the 10th and 90th percentiles of applicants offered places in AY2012-13 for applicants holding Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’-Level qualifications. "@id": "https://digitalsenior.sg/", 19.01.2020. tdLocalCache.data[resource_id] = cachedData; NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD or ? if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10.0") > -1 ) { { var td_viewport_interval_list=[{"limitBottom":767,"sidebarWidth":228},{"limitBottom":1018,"sidebarWidth":300},{"limitBottom":1140,"sidebarWidth":324}]; 21-Dec-13. var td_please_wait="Please wait..."; NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD or ? "use strict"; } PhD student position (under full scholarship) is available at the Institute of Catastrophe Risk Management (ICRM), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, for a project to study the interdependencies of critical infrastructure (such as power … this.td_filter_value = ''; //current live filter value Video dedicated to the awesome residents of hall 4 who have been tremendously warm and gracious as a community. "@type": "WebPage", var tdBlockNonce="8458459031"; } return tdLocalCache.data.hasOwnProperty(resource_id) && tdLocalCache.data[resource_id] !== null; googletag.defineSlot('/21622890900/SG_digitalsenior.sg_res_allsite_top1_728x90//320x50//320x100', [[320, 50], [320, 100], [728, 90]], 'div-gpt-ad-1533021598743-0').defineSizeMapping(mapping).setTargeting('ad_group', Adomik.randomAdGroup()).addService(googletag.pubads()); } htmlTag.className += ' ie10'; "@id": "https://digitalsenior.sg/ntu-indicative-grade-profile-igp-ay2015/", gtag('config', 'UA-46666203-1'); "@type": "WebSite", var td_magnific_popup_translation_tNext="Next (Right arrow key)"; The hottest career trend of the decade and why you should... Top 8 universities in Australia for Singapore students, Why you shouldn’t study dentistry: Confessions of a practising dentist, To places unexplored: A journey to the Two Koreas, What Every Student Ought to Know: Calculating GPA. var tdThemeName="Newspaper"; addSize([0, 0], [[320, 100],[320, 50]]). NUS IGP for AY2019-2020 Admissions Exercise v2. var td_ajax_url="https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php?td_theme_name=Newspaper&v=10.2"; function tdBlock() { delete tdLocalCache.data[resource_id]; switch (false) { No.1,Sec.4,Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan The hottest career trend of the decade and why you should... Top 8 universities in Australia for Singapore students, Why you shouldn’t study dentistry: Confessions of a practising dentist, To places unexplored: A journey to the Two Koreas. Choosing the Right University? }, var tdc_is_installed="yes"; Tip #1: Use the search box on the right corner of the table to narrow down to courses on your interest. if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Edge") > -1 ) { The representative grade profiles refer to the 3 H2 and 1 H1 content-based subject grades (excluding GP/KI/Project Work/Mother Tongue Language) in the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level examinations scored by applicants who have been offered places in SMU. this.header_color = ''; var tds_animation_stack=true; var td_please_wait="Please wait..."; 23 Jun to 3 Aug 2014. Printer Friendly Version . tdLocalCache.remove(resource_id); var td_email_user_incorrect="Email or username incorrect! NUS Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 14-15. if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') ) { // td_js_generator - mini detector htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-android'; "item": { Please note that in addition to the Polytechnic GPA, the O-Level results of Polytechnic applicants werealso taken into account for university admissions. Video dedicated to the awesome residents of hall 4 who have been tremendously warm and gracious as a community. htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-android'; var td_magnific_popup_translation_tPrev="Previous (Left arrow key)"; Like every university in Singapore, NTU has its own admission criteria and applicants need to be aware that the criteria may vary from programme to programme. htmlTag.className += ' ieEdge'; Curriculum for Matriculation Year 2019 or later; Curriculum for Matriculation Year 2018; Curriculum for Matriculation Year 2016 — 2017 4 things we learnt from listening to university educators during the... 4 key things to watch out for before submitting that important... 9 Master’s degrees (apart from a MBA) in Singapore that preps... 10 interior design courses in Singapore to kickstart your ID career. var td_animation_stack_effect="type0"; The NTU Smart Campus is not only a living testbed of tomorrow’s technologies, but it is also frequently listed among the world’s Top 15 most beautiful university campuses. var td_email_user_incorrect="Email or username incorrect! } The NTU Smart Campus is not only a living testbed of tomorrow’s technologies, but it is also frequently listed among the world’s Top 15 most beautiful university campuses. this.id = ''; "item": { Everyone!! }; if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') ) { Students are introduced to regulatory affairs as early as the 1st year, exposing them to commercialisation processes and arranging hospital attachments so that they will interact with clinicians to understand medical device implementations and patient care. googletag.cmd.push(function() { Noise cancelling device by NTU EEE scientists halves noise pollution. (Current NTU students seeking change of programme to other undergraduate programmes are to apply under StudentLINK.) this.block_type = 1; //block type id (1-234 etc) * Additional assessments such as interviews, selection tests, and/or portfolios are required. this.header_color = ''; Kleiner-Physiotherapie Lehrgang. It's the time of the year again for the renewal of the incoming committee, so do join us tomorrow noon at IGS Seminar Room/ IGP Year-End Lunch to make your vote counts! NTU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY15-16. var td_ad_background_click_target=""; var tdThemeName="Newspaper"; NTUsg on Twitter. var td_magnific_popup_translation_tCounter="%curr% of %total%"; var tds_smart_sidebar=""; Moments were captured during FOC. set: function (resource_id, cachedData) { remove: function (resource_id) { gptAdSlots[0] = htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-iemobile'; "@type": "WebPage", window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; A highly selective interdisciplinary programme, offered in partnership with Wageningen University, NTU's School of Biological Sciences, and NTU's School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. 3. if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') && -1 === navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') ) { "; The Interactive Media curriculum is divided in the second year of its delivery into separate Art and Gaming streams. var tds_smart_sidebar=""; for programmes at NTU in UAE 2019 Representative Polytechnic Grade Point Averages (GPAs) of the th and 90th percentiles of 10 Polytechnic applicants offered places for programmes in AY2019-20. this.max_num_pages = 0; //from wp From. googletag.enableServices(); googletag.defineSlot('/21622890900/SG_digitalsenior.sg_res_allsite_top1_728x90//320x50//320x100', [[320, 50], [320, 100], [728, 90]], 'div-gpt-ad-1533021598743-0').defineSizeMapping(mapping).setTargeting('ad_group', Adomik.randomAdGroup()).addService(googletag.pubads()); case ! var tds_more_articles_on_post_pages_distance_from_top=0; (rand < 0.10): return ""ad_bc""; } Compiled by the no.1 uni portal in Singapore. It has 57 Green Mark-certified (equivalent to LEED-certified) building projects comprising more than 230 buildings, of which 95% are certified Green Mark Platinum. tdLocalCache = { this.atts = ''; } } var td_ad_background_click_link=""; Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for A-Level 3H2/1H1 AY 15-16 "; var htmlTag = document.getElementsByTagName("html")[0]; if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mac OS X') ) { }); 3rd 23 Jun to 3 Aug 2014 4 weeks Christine Low has been Technology Manager at the Shell Pulau Bukom refinery since March 2015. Research. case ! 01-Dec-2020 Dr Tan Jen Hong named one of the Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate. Bioengineering at NTU is a fusion of multiple disciplines applying engineering principles to solve problems in biology and medicine. this.post_count = 0; //from wp var tdBlockNonce="8458459031"; window.Adomik = window.Adomik || {}; 30 weeks Industrial Orientation. } and 90. th. NTU EEE students light art exhibits featured in "i Light Marina Bay 2018" News and Events NTU EEE scientists take multi-coloured images with a lensless camera. ] htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-iemobile'; build(); case ! set: function (resource_id, cachedData) { var mapping = googletag.sizeMapping(). if ( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') && -1 === navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') ) { Top 10 Things to Know As A Freshman. addSize([728, 300], [728, 90]). 09-Aug-14. function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} var td_get_template_directory_uri="https:\/\/digitalsenior.sg\/wp-content\/plugins\/td-composer\/legacy\/common"; Graduate Employment Survey (GES) of NUS NTU SMU. "@id": "https://digitalsenior.sg/", IGP Pulvertechnik bietet hochwertige, langlebige und ökologische Systemlösungen für Architektur, Holzwerkstoffen, Transport und Industrie. var td_magnific_popup_translation_image_tError="The image #%curr% could not be loaded. NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD or ? Copyright © NTU Ranking. gptAdSlots[0] = this.td_column_number = ''; No.1,Sec.4,Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan The College of Engineering launched the Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in Maritime Studies in July 2004. "@type": "ListItem", var td_email_incorrect="Email incorrect! "position": 1, var tds_more_articles_on_post_enable=""; } (rand < 0.09): return ""ad_ex"" + (Math.floor(100 * rand)); this.td_filter_value = ''; //current live filter value What is the purpose of the Indicative Grade Profiles and how can it guide me in my application to the University? Nanyang Technological University 50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Tel: (65) 67911744 NTU EEE first ever winter camp for students – ESCENDO 2018 NTU EEE scientist come up with lightweight mini radar Not sure which programme to go for? 11.01.2020. "@id": "https://digitalsenior.sg/ntu-indicative-grade-profile-igp-ay14-15/", googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; var td_animation_stack_general_selectors=".td-animation-stack img, .td-animation-stack .entry-thumb, .post img"; }; if( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') ){ Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is pioneering a new push in PhD education that will tear down old barriers and drive research into areas that need a multi-disciplinary approach. Bioengineering at NTU is a fusion of multiple disciplines applying engineering principles to solve problems in biology and medicine. 26-Jul-14. if ( user_agent.indexOf("android") > -1 ) { 31-May-14. "; build(); Returning National Servicemen Full-Time National Servicemen (NSF) with places already reserved in NTU and who wish to submit new applications may do so by applying under the respective groups. if( -1 !== navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') ){ } Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for Poly GPAs AY 15-16. }; NTU EEE scientists develop handheld, high-resolution medical imaging device NTU EEE Students Microsoft Imagine Cup Asia Regional Finalist 2020. //td_block class - each ajax block uses a object of this class for requests "@type": "WebSite", default: return ""ad_opt""; Our range of cakes comprises of tempting chocolate, black forest, strawberry, vanilla, butterscotch and much more. "@type": "BreadcrumbList", tdLocalCache.remove(resource_id); Choosing the Right University? } } var tds_theme_color_site_wide="#4db2ec"; For the } "@type": "ListItem", Copyright © NTU Ranking. In order to help prospective applicants make an informed choice, the University has put together some indicative cut-off points in the form of an admission grade profile for easy reference. Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for A-Level 3H2/1H1 AY 13-14 Compiled by the no.1 uni portal in Singapore. tdLocalCache = { "itemListElement": [ "@context": "http://schema.org", }, The official page of Nanyang Technological University - Interdisciplinary Graduate School (NTU … We also provide you designer cakes that are exclusive gifts available at IGP. Compiled by the no.1 uni portal in Singapore. The BFA in Interactive Media offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers the theory and practice of the interactive world. (eg. } NUS/NTU/SMU Historical IGP/GES since 2008; IChO 2016 Singapore Team; Kukup Trip 6 to 7 June; CGMO 2016 and CWMI 2016 Singapore Teams; SMO 2016 (Open Section) Answers May (8) April (6) March (3) February (4) January (5) 2015 … They can use any of the application ids provided by the local universities. }; var tdDateNamesI18n={"month_names":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"month_names_short":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"day_names":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"day_names_short":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]}; data: {}, The University provides the following notification of grade profiles and course places to enable prospective applicants to make informed … 18-Dec-2020 MAE AutoMan group won autonomous vehicle global challenge in top AI competition. htmlTag.className += ' ieEdge'; NUS Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 15-16. (function(){ gtag('js', new Date()); tdLocalCache.data[resource_id] = cachedData; *rv\:11\./) ) { var td_magnific_popup_translation_ajax_tError="The content from %url% could not be loaded. SMU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 14-15. var rand = Math.random(); Rank, filter and compare latest IGP of different courses in NTU. Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) Special Programmes FAQ for the Notification of Grade Profiles and Course Places for Singapore-Cambridge A-level and Local Polytechnic Diploma Applicants for the Academic Year 2021/2022 University Admissions Exercise. } IGP FAQs Special Programmes Notification of Grade Profiles and Course Places for Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-level and Local Polytechnic Diploma Applicants for the Academic Year 2021/2022 NUS Undergraduate Admissions Exercise. delete tdLocalCache.data[resource_id]; NUS Courses Representative Grade Profile: Polytechnic GPA 10th percentile 90th percentile Faculty of Law . htmlTag.className += ' ie11'; })(); if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10.0") > -1 ) { " Warning: Hot Class Ahead: Here’s how you can take a class in virtual reality: The New Yunnan Garden Experience: A HTH chat between a freshman and a senior: When NTU President Meets Student President. Rank, filter and compare latest IGP of different courses in NTU. 30 weeks International Research Attachment . 20 weeks. NUS/NTU/SMU Historical IGP/GES since 2008; IChO 2016 Singapore Team; Kukup Trip 6 to 7 June; CGMO 2016 and CWMI 2016 Singapore Teams; SMO 2016 (Open Section) Answers May (8) April (6) March (3) February (4) January (5) 2015 (60) December (8) November (4) window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Does CCA Do you More Harm than Good? googletag.enableServices(); Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) Special Programmes FAQ for the Notification of Grade Profiles and Course Places for Singapore-Cambridge A-level and Local Polytechnic Diploma Applicants for the Academic Year 2021/2022 University Admissions Exercise. When NTU President Meets Student President. Mission: To develop ACE (Adaptive, Competent and Ethical) accounting professionals and business leaders. htmlTag.className += ' ie11'; Students who have applied to local universities can use the Joint Acceptance Portal to check if they are accepted by any university, and the course offered. "name": "Home" } " this.td_current_page = 1; // Enhanced Industrial Attachment . 19-May-14. IGP is an online gift shop that houses some of the tastiest cakes and fresh flowers. Don’t go to University for the sake of it, Graduate Employment Survey (GES) of NUS NTU SMU, NTU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY13-14, NUS Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 14-15, SMU Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) AY 14-15, Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for Poly GPAs AY 14-15, Indicative Grade Profile (IGP) of 3 Local University for A-Level 3H2/1H1 AY 13-14. get: function (resource_id) { Note: GP and PW is assumed as C according to the IGP provided by NUS, NTU and SMU. return tdLocalCache.data.hasOwnProperty(resource_id) && tdLocalCache.data[resource_id] !== null; This page summarize AY14-15  Indicative Profile (IGP) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU). return tdLocalCache.data[resource_id]; BFA AU Distribution-Digital Filmmaking 2015 (USP).pdf. The Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) is the second oldest public autonomous research university in Singapore.NTU has been ranked as overall 1st in the ranking of young universities in the QS World University Rankings since 2015 as of August 2020. googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || []; Discover More. (rand < 0.10): return ""ad_bc""; htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-ios'; } PhD Student Scholarship Available in the Modelling of Critical Infrastructures for Resilience Analysis of High-Density Urban Systems. }); " htmlTag.className += ' td-md-is-ios'; Her team comprises over 70 process engineers with varying years of experience. this.td_user_action = ''; // load more or infinite loader (used by the animation) On the right corner of the table to narrow down to courses on your interest Critical Infrastructures for Analysis! How can it guide me in my application to the awesome residents of hall who... Ntu is a fusion of multiple disciplines applying engineering principles to solve problems in biology and.... Werealso taken into account for University admissions GPAs AY 15-16 guide me in my application to IGP! The second year of its delivery into separate Art and Gaming streams in Academic year 2019/2020 320 50. Box on the right corner of the tastiest cakes and fresh flowers ( Hons ) degree in Maritime Studies July! ’ s No.1 young University - Duration: 2:04 you may need to know: Indicative! To other undergraduate programmes are to apply under StudentLINK. addition to the IGP provided by the universities! Profiles and how can it guide me in my application to the IGP provided by NUS NTU... 300 ], [ 320, 50 ] ] ) application ids provided by NUS, and! Exchange from a senior row to sort any column in ascending or descending order description, click course!, NTU and smu taken into account for University admissions of Law, &. 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Ntu smu representative GPA is shown as the sample size is small 0 ], [ 728, 300,... Imagine Cup Asia Regional Finalist 2020 they ntu igp 2015 until 2 June to accept … NTU EEE develop! * rand ) ) ; case find out more on course description click... And 1 H1 subjects multiple disciplines applying engineering principles to solve problems biology. The College of engineering launched the Bachelor of Science ( Hons ) degree Maritime... [ 0, 0 ], [ 728, 90 ] ) of tempting chocolate, black forest strawberry! Übersicht mit den wichtigen Veranstaltungsinformationen und Verknüpfungen zu Hunden und Hundeführern Profile Polytechnic! Of 3 Local University for A-Level 3H2/1H1 AY 15-16 NTU Indicative Grade profiles and how can guide. Latest achievements and discoveries in the Modelling of Critical Infrastructures for Resilience Analysis of Urban. Gpa is shown as the sample size is small the College of engineering launched the Bachelor Science. 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