Pharmacy Minister’s open letter to pharmacy (3rd April) Jo Churchill MP, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State with responsibility for community pharmacy, thanks pharmacists and pharmacy teams for their work during the COVID-19 pandemic. 7. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of Promote the competence of pharmacists in vaccine administration through the development of the required knowledge and skills as an integral part of pharmacists’ foundational education and training, and/or through continuing professional development opportunities. Free recommendations and clinical resources to navigate the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. While this has been done to limit the spread of COVID-19, it also provides fewer opportunities to transmit the flu. 1 **Although investigated as a potential treatment during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, 1, 6, 7 in vitro antivi- A paramedic administers a COVID-19 test at the Balboa Sports Center in Encino last week. 5. Chart: COVID-19 Vaccines; Did Marine Corps Tell Pelosi, ‘We Don’t Work For You’? According to ABC News, “data analysts at Walgreens have tracked sales of antiviral medications for flu over the past seven years to estimate flu activity across the U.S. and 2020 has had significantly lower sales than in 2019.”. Were Panic Buttons Removed From Democratic Lawmaker’s Office Prior to Insurrection? It’s so named for the canines heard howling in the winter months. Was ‘TRUMP’ Carved into a Florida Manatee’s Back? Wisconsin Pharmacist Arrested For Deliberately Spoiling COVID Vaccines By WCCO-TV January 1, 2021 at 11:00 am Filed Under: Coronavirus , COVID-19 , COVID-19 Vaccine , Wisconsin News Recognise and fully harness the potential and convenience of community pharmacies for public health, primary healthcare, and disease prevention strategies, including vaccination. HHS Secretary Alex Azar issued the following statement: "Giving pharmacists the authorization to order and administer COVID-19 tests to their patients means easier access to testing for Americans who need it. A Wisconsin pharmacist has been arrested after it emerged that a hospital worker deliberately spoiled hundreds of doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to a … This reality began in April 2020, well before the influenza season, and it has not abated since. The American Hospital Association (AHA) sent a letter to HHS Secretary Alex Azar requesting greater clarity and assistance for the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine doses. treatment of COVID-19. Ensure health system readiness for mass immunisation against Covid-19 and any future pandemics as soon as vaccines are available. On the other hand, evidence that fewer people have contracted influenza this season, as well as data-driven explanations for why this is the case, are readily available. This is particularly important as community pharmacists are facing the public every day, both healthy and ill, and are at high risk of contracting Covid-19 and thus spreading to other people. In other words, if the signal of increased death was caused by increased influenza cases, we would be in the midst of a catastrophic flu season. A woman who manages a body encompassing hundreds of pharmacy outlets across Northern Ireland has added her voice to calls for local chemists to be involved in administering Covid … COVID-19 vaccination programme 2020/21 – Outcome of general practice site designation process and next steps Letter from Ed Waller and Dr Nikki Kanani - 24 November 2020. In the face of the current Covid-19 pandemic, and in preparation for future pandemics, it is imperative for community pharmacists to expand their vaccination pathways to achieve high vaccination coverage and collective immunity as quickly as possible. Accreditation is a process used by health care organizations worldwide accurately assess their level of performance in relation to established standards and to implement ways to continuously improve. Access the recording and view the slides for the January 14 webinar on COVID-19 Vaccines: Myth vs. Include community pharmacists in emergency preparedness and response plans as frontline health workers. 400 volunteers wanted for Covid-19 vaccine trial in Sarawak, No. Even if you reject the notion that increased vaccination or reduced social contact could contribute to fewer cases of influenza, though, the fact is that the number of deaths caused by influenza and pneumonia combined in pre-pandemic years are far too low to account for the increased amount of mortality seen presently. Invest in prevention strategies, including vaccines and vaccination services by all providers, including pharmacists, to ensure equity in access to vaccinations and the sustainability of the service. While we remind our readers not to take the unverified statements of anonymous Twitter accounts as truth, it is factual that there have been fewer prescriptions for Tamiflu filled this flu season. MILWAUKEE (AP) — A state board on Wednesday suspended the license of a Wisconsin pharmacist accused of ruining more than 500 doses of COVID-19 vaccine because he thought it … Did Rep. Boebert Tweet About Speaker Pelosi’s Location During Capitol Riot? Letters to the editor — Jan. 17, 2021 Brooklyn site runs out of COVID vaccine shots as NYC faces looming shortage New York’s COVID-19 rate dips slightly amid vaccine rush According to analysis based on weekly sales reports of pharmaceuticals, the IT firm IQVIA found that “23.5 million people got the flu shot from Aug. 7 through Oct. 2, compared with 12.6 million during the same timeframe in 2019.”. Let pharmacists do them A paramedic administers a COVID-19 test at the Balboa Sports Center in Encino last week. 1 Decontaminating surfaces in the pharmacy will be key to ongoing staff, personnel, and patient safety. AHA said some hospitals reported receiving fewer doses than … Foster the full integration of community pharmacies in our healthcare system, by creating the regulatory and operational conditions for interprofessional collaboration, including access to shared patient health records and vaccination records. LETTER | The Malaysian Pharmacists Society (MPS) is delighted to receive the news from the Ministry of Health whereby the Covid-19 vaccine produced by … With roughly 5,000 community pharmacists serving the nation as frontliners in disease prevention, MPS would like to urge the authorities to consider administering the Covid-19 vaccine to all community pharmacists seriously. MALAYSIAN PHARMACISTS SOCIETY (MPS) is the national association for pharmacists. As background, the assertion of false positives comes from a mischaracterization of what COVID-19 PCR tests are meant to indicate. American Thinker joined the likes of Newsmax in issuing a correction to various claims it... A photograph of someone carrying a bust of Abraham Lincoln out of the White House... Is the Donald J. Trump State Park in New York Real? 2. 9, Jalan 51/205A, Off Jalan Tandang, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. For another thing, an aggressive public health campaign encouraging flu shots to minimize the potential for co-occurring viral outbreaks resulted in historically high influenza vaccination rates this season. Letters to the Editor: Want more COVID-19 tests? This letter from Dr Keith Ridge, Chief Pharmaceutical Officer for England, sets out the principles and expectations necessary to maintain the integrity, and therefore safety, quality and effectiveness, of COVID-19 vaccines. This material may not be reproduced without permission. A Wisconsin hospital pharmacist was arrested on Thursday on suspicion of sabotaging more than 500 doses of coronavirus vaccine by deliberately removing them from … Though there are unresolved questions about the accuracy of COVID-19 tests in general, the problem is not with so-called “false positives.” Rather, its limitation is that it detects only the presence of specific SARS-CoV-2 RNA, and the presence of this RNA is not necessarily indicative of being infected or contagious with SARS-CoV-2. How safe is the Pfizer vaccine and how was it done so quickly? By doing this on a weekly basis, the metric takes into account seasonal features like the flu season. The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of Malaysiakini. This snapshot from CDC’s Weekly U.S. Questions about COVID-19 vaccines are firing fast and furious... Resources. WVPA Pharmacists joined over 25 other healthcare leaders from across West Virginia to show solidarity in our medical professionals regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. Staub provides none. We have partnered with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide COVID-19 vaccines to our customers. Also, out of equity in access to disease prevention measures, and to ensure the highest possible level of quality of life and function at all stages of life and gain the full health and economic benefits from vaccination, it is an ethical and national health imperative to expand vaccination strategies through the diversification of vaccination pathways involving community pharmacists. 6. This fact can be interpreted in multiple ways. These resources include the most current statewide orders to limit the spread of COVID-19 and requests from various health organizations of our healthcare providers. (NEW) COVID-19 Vaccine and Pharmacy Readiness: Recommendations from CPhA and Neighbourhood Pharmacies (December 2020) (NEW) Pharmacists anticipate significant demand for COVID-19 vaccines, call for a coordinated strategy with federal support: The Canadian Pharmacists Association is calling for a more coordinated strategy to ensure that health professionals are ready to administer vaccines … No, Harvey Staub the ‘Pharmacist’ Is Not Right About COVID. One of the key levers for increasing vaccination rates across people’s life-course is to increase the convenience of access, and it is easy to see the significant role community pharmacists can play in this. Expand the regulatory scope of practice of appropriately trained and certified pharmacists to authorise them to administer a broad range of vaccines beyond infancy. Somewhere in upstate New York, gigantic signs advertise this park. The argument, partially rooted in the above fallacy, goes like this: COVID-19 tests produce high rates of false positives; COVID-19 is described as deadly, but because so many people have falsely tested positive during the flu season, the deadliness or severity of COVID-19 is exaggerated by including flu deaths as COVID-19 deaths; undiagnosed flu cases are evidenced by a lack of Tamiflu prescriptions. LETTER | The Malaysian Pharmacists Society (MPS) is delighted to receive the news from the Ministry of Health whereby the Covid-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer-BioNTech has been given conditional approval by National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA). COVID-19. Published 6 April 2020. The indemnity arrangements apply to all staff who are employed or engaged by a community pharmacy to deliver the LES vaccination service. 3. Did 23 People In Norway Die After Receiving COVID Vaccine? 4. PLUS relevant CE/CME. Did a Conservative News Site Admit Its Voter-Fraud Claims Were False? APhA Statement: President-elect Biden’s COVID plan is a strong start to rescue the country from the pandemic; New! Claim: "False positives" for COVID that are actually cases of the flu or the common cold are inflating the real danger of COVID-19 and the pandemic. At Tom Thumb, we are working hard to support your health. Hiring Frenzy for Pharmacists as Covid-19 Vaccines Roll Out CVS, Walgreens dangle signing bonuses, ramp up staffing to find thousands to administer shots, including retirees and … Guidance and letters for community pharmacy - 27 November 2020. The health minister's letter thanks pharmacy teams for their response to coronavirus so far. "False positives" for COVID that are actually cases of the flu or the common cold are inflating the real danger of COVID-19 and the pandemic. This is not a false positive for COVID-19 the disease, it is a true positive for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 viral RNA. Influenza Surveillance Report (as of mid-December 2020) visualizes present and historical numbers of deaths caused by influenza (the yellow area) compared to deaths coded as COVID-19 (blue area): Indeed, the best refutation of the assertion that the pandemic is overhyped or manufactured is also the simplest: Significantly more people are dying, period, than would be expected based on historical data. COVID-19 is spread through person-to-person contact and is estimated to live up to 2 to 3 days on plastic and stainless-steel surfaces. COVID-19 Vaccine Coming Soon to Your Pharmacy. News, updates and resources to help you through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The country needs all the help of the health care workers to carry this massive national vaccination programme. Dear Mr. Charrow: As organizations representing pharmacists and pharmacies, we are proud of the crucial efforts that our members have undertaken to help our nation respond to the COVID-19 pandemic by Did Members of Congress Provide ‘Reconnaissance Tours’ Before Capitol Riots? Maryland Medicaid pharmacy COVID-19 testing reimbursement advisory. The CDC collects weekly data on this metric, known as excess mortality. The inclusion of community pharmacists as vaccine immunisers in Malaysia with a population of 32 million and millions of foreign workers and undocumented workers is an incredibly significant move to achieve herd immunity for Covid-19 pandemic. Fact. We expect all our pharmacies will have the COVID-19 vaccine, when it is more broadly available. 1. A baloxavir marboxil dosage of 80 mg on day 1 and on day 4, and another dose of 80 mg on day 7 (as needed; not to exceed 3 total doses) was used in one open-label COVID-19 study in adults in China. Covid-19: Khairy says 18 months to achieve herd immunity, Bintai Healthcare appointed exclusive distributor of vaccine storage box. Because no evidence exists to support anything close to the level of increased flu or cold cases needed to create the level of excess mortality that characterizes this pandemic, because surveillance data suggests fewer cases of influenza, and because fewer cases of influenza are to be expected in a country with record-setting flu vaccination levels that has also been socially distancing and working from home since before the flu season began, Staub’s analysis is without merit. [Updated 10.7.20] To provide support to all pharmacy professionals, CPhA has compiled important resources to ensure the health of your colleagues, patients, and families. We have signed a joint letter with the UK Chief Pharmaceutical Officers and the PSNI, which thanks everyone working in pharmacy for their remarkable work to reduce the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the lives of our fellow citizens and their tireless efforts to support patients. For one thing, the country has been locked down and social distancing (to varying degrees) since March 2020. On a side note, MPS would also like the authorities to deeply consider community pharmacists to be immunisers and be able to administer the Covid-19 vaccines to the public. Staub interpreted it as evidence that flu cases are being under-diagnosed. With the community pharmacists properly vaccinated, it is then the public can seek their professional consultation with utmost confidence. WVPA Pharmacists Join Open Letter to West Virginians: “We Trust the COVID-19 Vaccine”. Accreditation in healthcare has become very important, especially for pharmacy services. Community pharmacy service is recognised as an essential service in any form under the movement control order (MCO). Hospital Pharmacist's Letter; Hospital Pharmacy Technician's Letter; Natural Medicines; Pharmacist's Letter; Pharmacist's Letter Canada; Pharmacy Technician's Letter ... Bamlanivimab will be the first med authorized to treat OUTPATIENTS with COVID-19... GO TO FULL ISSUE. The letter states, "In the first few weeks of administering vaccines, hospitals have seen a number of barriers to smooth and effective vaccinations." Visit the new COVID-19 Vaccines page to learn everything you need to know about COVID-19 vaccines. With people working from home, avoiding indoor dining, and having fewer face-to-face actions, opportunities for influenza transmission are significantly — even historically — reduced compared to an average year. By lumping all deaths together regardless of cause, the metric is also unaffected by any perceived problem with COVID-19 testing. Is Martial Law ‘Imminent’ Before Biden’s Inauguration? Coronavirus (COVID-19): letter to pharmacists from Jo Churchill. ; Register for the January 21 weekly open forum webinar. Seems odd that a pastor in rural Texas would be the first to get the... Will January 2021 Feature a Full ‘Wolf Moon’? The letter confirms that COVID-19 vaccination activity undertaken in community pharmacy will be covered by the state indemnity schemes run by NHS Resolution until the end of March 2021. Another explanation, though, is that there have actually been significantly fewer flu cases this year. Re: Authorization for Licensed Pharmacists to Order and Administer COVID-19 Vaccines under the PREP Act . The central evidence used to support this thesis is an alleged decline in sales of the drug Tamiflu, an antiviral widely used during the flu season to hasten recovery. The key is to defend an interpretation with actual evidence. Joint letter from the CMA and the General Pharmaceutical Council: pricing during the COVID-19 pandemic An open letter to pharmacy owners and superintendent pharmacists… In short, “We want to be clear: We will get vaccinated as soon as it is our turn, and we will recommend it … A Dec. 12, 2020, Twitter thread authored by an account using Winston Churchill as a profile picture and the user name of Harvey Staub (emojis excluded) argued that people falsely categorized as COVID-19 positive who subsequently got the flu or the common cold make the disease — and the pandemic itself — seem more dangerous than it really is. According to a letter from the Pharmacy Examining Review Board, Brandenburg is accused of purposefully removing COVID-19 vaccines from refrigeration twice on Dec. 24 and Dec. 25. According to International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) data from 2020, in at least 86 countries, pharmacies play a variety of roles in vaccination advocacy, awareness and advice, and in at least 36 countries they play an active role in administering vaccinations, while this has been proposed or is undergoing development in a further 16. Walgreens pharmacist Chris McLaurin prepares to vaccinate Lakandra McNealy, a Harmony Court Assisted Living employee, with the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday in … As such, the claim is “False.”. New York Medicaid pharmacy COVID-19 billing advisory. Pharmacist's Letter; Pharmacist's Letter Canada; Pharmacy Technician's Letter; Pharmacy Technician's Letter Canada; Prescriber's Letter; Subscribe Login; ... (Olumiant) is now authorized to treat COVID-19 in hospitalized patients... Know Who's Eligible for New COVID-19 Monoclonal Antibodies. December 21, 2020 by Matt Rafa. 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