Westside Energy Station, located in Rochester, MN, is an energy plant that converts energy into bulk electrical power. The Project is a proposed new electric generation power plant located in the NW¼ of the SW¼ of Section 30, T 107 N, R 14 West, Cascade Township, Olmsted County, Minnesota. Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) Westside Energy Station Rochester, Minnesota The Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) Westside Energy Station is a new natural gas-fired power plant consisting of five reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE). The new Rochester Public Utilities Westside Energy Station is on schedule, under-budget, and well on its way to providing 46 megawatts to the city with five, 150 ton natural gas engines. All Rights Reserved. And finally, last week, RPU made it’s plans to add new natural gas generation VERY public: A New Generating Station for Rochester . The Westside Energy Station can generate 47 MW of power for customers in and around Rochest er, and it is a study in teamwork and pre-planning. The board chose Boldt Co.'s $32.2 million bid to engineer and build the new plant to be called Westside Energy Station. The Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) Utility Board selected two Resource Plan scenarios that include 100% renewable energy by 2030 at the July 23 rd RPU Utility Board Meeting. 2.9K likes. Other Business 10. Read more. To coordinate utility work in public streets, a centralized location service has been established by agencies responsible for work in our streets. Directory of local energy utilities. Community Solar Offering 3. Learn more about our work in the Rochester office. Rochester Public Utilities - Westside Energy Station: Signature document (p-ear2-104b) Rochester Public Utilities - Westside Energy Station: Signature document (p-ear2-104b) Contact us. In March 2016, Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) awarded the Westside Energy Station (WES) engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) to Westside Energy Partners (WEP), the project joint venture of the Boldt Company and Sargent & Lundy. Email us; Staff directory; Regional offices; Environmental emergencies (24 hrs) 800-422-0798. RPU does boast numerous electric generating facilities including natural gas-powered turbine generators, a hydroelectric facility on Lake Zumbro, two gen-sets located at IBM, and five natural gas-fired reciprocating engine generators to be housed at the Westside Energy Station coming in 2018. Westside Energy Station Project Status Report 6. Rochester Public Utilities, Rochester, MN. RPU's newest asset is the Westside Energy Station that began commercial operation in March 2018. Search Rochester category listings. This is a list of electricity-generating power stations in Minnesota, sorted by type and name.In 2019, Minnesota had a total summer capacity of 17,373 MW through all of its power plants, and a net generation of 59,379 GWh. Tours – Douglas Trail Substation is Rochester's newest substation. Offering construction services, including Integrated Lean Project Delivery®, construction management, general construction, design/build, real estate development, program management, consulting and technical services throughout the U.S. Boldt is committed to our environment and is a strong advocate for sustainable solutions. Mon-Fri 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Check out the latest progress on the Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) Westside Energy Station! RPU operates under the direction of a five member, mayor-appointed Utility Board and under the Rochester City Council. 500,000 and $400,000 were transferred by the electric and water utilities to the City’s general fund. As the plant site was below the floodplain, construction teams drove over 900 gravel-filled pilings deep into the soil to create a stable foundation five feet above grade. @#$%*_-) ; At least 8 characters Contact Information. University Of Rochester 390 Elmwood Avenue Rochester, NY. About RPU. Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) is a municipally-owned electric and water utility located in Rochester, MN. Rochester Power Plants are facilities where energy is converted to bulk electrical power from other sources and distributed to the electrical grid for delivery to electricity consumers in Rochester, NY. Cable TV Providers in Rochester, MI 48306. Copyright © 1995-var year = new Date();document.write(year.getFullYear()); Sargent & Lundy, L.L.C.

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