I learn that it really is often 10 times improved compared to still-fishing with live bait. I bought a 4 wt rod this spring, and I’ve been using it exclusively for bream fishing trips. I don’t usually need too much of an excuse to wet a line and the fact that I needed some more video footage for my Tassie bream DVD, made it even easier to make the time to head to the east coast.We launched the boat at the upper Scamander River boat ramp. I’ll always remember reading McSea’s comments about bream, and especially about catching these common, widespread fish on artificials. Catch more fish - use a Tasmanian Made Drogue. A quick strip strike produced a solid hook up as a bream powered off up stream. A few years ago I bought my first quality fly rod, a 6/7-wt, 9 ft St. Croix Imperial from Jim Green at Backcountry USA in Tyler, Texas and used it for bass, sunfish, and trout. used fly fishing for bream. I reckon I probably know about five per cent of what Dave Longin does, but hopefully that might put me a few baby steps higher up the learning curve than the place you currently find yourself. BreamBugs.com is a small family owned and operated business. Knowing when to move the fly or let it hang motionless mid water was guided by the interest shown by the bream on each snag. I think many fish species that feed on small fish and crustaceans see this as a natural instinct for prey to flee down to the bottom and hide in amongst the sand and stones. This summer is going to a cracker, I can just feel it. My Looking back over my experiences this year, I firmly believe that sinking fly lines passing in front of big bream during the retrieve have a tendency to spook these fish. Your email address will not be published. Meanwhile, here’s what I found out: After a winter and early spring of reasonably intensive fly fishing for larger-than-average bream in cool, southern ICOLLs, these are the main things I believe I’ve learnt: Firstly, despite the lack of tides and significant currents in these systems when they’re closed to the sea, bream activity levels and the willingness of these fish to hit lures or flies varies considerably from day to day, and sometimes even from hour to hour. The trick is to get the fish to the surface. Most of the gun black bream flymos incorporate little stinger hooks in the tails of their larger baitfish and prawn/shrimp/Clouser patterns. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thanks Gary. (As an aside, the intensive mesh and haul netting of land-locked ICOLLs, with no quotas or other overall catch limits in place, is surely one of the dumbest and most unsustainable acts of environmental vandalism still practiced in this country. Always enjoy your writing style. Research such as this is so important to the recreational angler because it offers a wealth of knowledge that can be used to make more informed decisions on when, where and how to catch them. These jig heads let you fish depths of up to three metres of water quickly and effectively with a floating line. For example you'll have no problem catching a stringer full of bream with Bett's Bream Madness fly or Bett's Bream and Bluegill Popper Assortment. In the clear waters of the Scamander River, Simon and I have watched bream moving rocks the size of your fist in search of food. This was bream sight fishing heaven, but we were about to realize that these spawning bream are not always easy to catch. The bream lunged forward and engulfed the fly. Over the years, I’ve come to share his respect for these surprising little fish. The research undertaken on Tasmania’s Black Bream by Dr James Haddy has been extensive, and reveals some interesting facts about the life cycle of our local Black Bream. Another good trick is to chum. Starlo rates all of those milestones, but reckons there’s another one that presents even more of a challenge. But the most reliable form of sight fishing will be polaroiding them amongst the snags and the clear shallow waters of an estuary, lagoon or river. McCristal clearly held the bream clan in high regard. If LBG tops the physical demand list, then I reckon fly fishing is the toughest mind game on offer in the angling world. Food for the fish. Black Bream, in Tasmanian waters, have been able to grow to impressive sizes due to the limited angling pressure they receive and the healthy estuary systems they live in. Furthermore, they’re renowned for producing some very big specimens, although these old, slow-growing fish are never a push-over to catch — on anything! Bream have many names but the most common are bluegill, shellcracker, panfish, red belly, yellow belly, and sunfish. However, moon phase does appear to play a role and, as a rule of thumb, the four or five days leading up to a full moon seem to offer better chances of success on fly, although there are exceptions. Of the last two methods, fly fishing for bream would have to be the least effective method. For me, that means sharing knowledge. (Read my column elsewhere in this issue of “NAFA’s Barra, Bass & Bream Digest” [pictured] for some more thoughts on this phenomenon, and possible ways to counter it.). 2 hook. This will ensure the wind will always blow your line away from your rod. Landing a 60 cm wild bass from a kayak? The scenery on the upper Scamander River is truly spectacular and you can get carried away traveling up rivers such as this, just to see what the next bend has to offer. Here is a list of all of the Article Categories. Too many bad habits picked up early on, combined with a lifelong lack of eye/hand motor skills, meant that no one would ever mistake me for another Lefty Kreh or Peter Morse, even from a very long distance. I guess you could say it was mission accomplished, and I look forward to expanding my efforts and diversifying my techniques through the coming summer. Justifiably worshipped by some swoffers as the ultimate prize, they occupied an inordinate amount of my time, conscious thoughts and dreaming moments for several years before that first nerve-wracking connection on the flood tide flats of the Jackson River mouth. Be especially alert for takes on the drop, too. Even the small bream put up a good fight, and the big ones are unbelievable. The best and most compelling reason for anglers to use a fly rod for bream fishing is that fly-rodding is simply a very effective way to catch a bunch of great fighting, great tasting fish. Once you have mastered this simple casting stroke you can then safely add some seriously heavy flies to your bream box to finally achieve that fast descent that may just do the trick when all else fails. I was happy for his success, but I do like a challenge and changed tact once again in an attempt to take one on fly. We respect your privacy. I standardised on a long 2 to 3 kg tippet at the end of my leader, and clear fluorocarbon seems to offer marginal benefits over nylon monofilament. Amazon Business: For business-only … It starts out as a method to catch fish that are very spooky and selective under certain conditions and becomes a very challenging and rewarding way to fish that never looses its appeal once you have mastered some basic casting skills. The current issue of TFBN is extensive and topical. In the years since, it’s definitely fly fishing that has given me the most frustrations and disappointments, but also the biggest rewards: those punch-the-air, jump-for-joy, smile-til-your-jaw-aches breakthroughs that make the hard times seem much less important. I didn’t set the world on fire numbers-wise, but I nailed some cracking fish, including a spectacular 1.87 kg (4 pound 2 ounce) bruiser and a string of others over the kilo mark. Been chomping at the bit to give bream a go this summer now that I’ve retired to the far south coast. For instance Dr James Haddy’s research has shown that our bream only gain approximately 100 grams per year, after reaching maturity. These days we know a lot more about catching bream on hardware than we did when Vic McCristal was at his journalistic peak. Catching a metre-plus ’mundi on a surface lure and light tackle? Want to know when there’s a new article? This casting action will keep the fly well away from the rod at all times. Panfish Porn - Fly Fishing for Bluegill Bream on Fly - YouTube Jodi – Yes, that can definitely help, although I still think a long-ish leader is a big plus. Suddenly, it’s all very different to joyfully throwing relatively long, straight lines onto the mown grass of your local park while admiring the shape of those lovely loops painted artistically across the sky above your head. Instead, I focussed on that part of the process so often overlooked by new chums to the sport: the bit. Here we go I thought, I am about to get a lesson in why use a fly rod to catch nothing when you can use a lure to actually catch a fish. Black Bream can certainly put a bend in a 6wt fly rod. To view our policy, go to http://www.starlofishing.com/privacy-policy/, What’s the ultimate prize in modern day barra, bass and bream fishing? As is often the case, the next few came a little easier. Their first initial run can feel like it is unstoppable. In Vic’s opinion, anyone who could regularly pull off the bream-on-lures trick would have little trouble with most other species. For me, these eventually took the form of a handful of lovely tuna and, finally, the biggest LBG prize of all: a beautiful little black marlin from the stones. I’ve experimented and changed leader material a number times but quickly came back to what I know best, the characteristics of maxima. 4 to No. A fish this size could release between one million and three million eggs in a season while a smaller 25cm female may only produce three hundred and fifty thousand eggs a season. Now, I'd rather do that fishing than just about any other kind. The black and red cone heads had a steady run of hook ups along the edge of the deeper water and their slightly lighter presentation also took fish from the shallower water closer to the edge. Great read I too have caught bream on fly and on my own ties it would be great to have a bream on fly only tournament that would put the cat amongst the pidgeons . A quick look under the small jetty at the boat ramp revealed several bream stacked up along the pylons. Through the mid and late 1990s and into the new millennium, lure fishing for bream underwent an unprecedented boom. The scene was reminiscent of fishing for big predators on a tropical flat in Australia’s North, but here, we were drifting down a sleepy estuary on Tasmania’s East Coast. But the way Bushy tells it, no one else comes even close to Dave in terms of having mastered bream and a swag of other temperate estuary species on fur and feathers (which, by the way, is the, Firstly, despite the lack of tides and significant currents in these systems when they’re closed to the sea, bream activity levels and the willingness of these fish to hit lures or flies varies considerably from day to day, and sometimes even from hour to hour. The beauty of it is I can extend the .020 to almost any length and still get it to roll and give good fly presentation, and all in a jiffy stream side. Today, all that has changed. Bream Poppers. Fly-Fishing Lures When we think of fly-fishing, trout often come to mind. It amuses me that some folks think they can carve a niche for themselves in the fishing education and information game while keeping their cards pressed firmly to their chest or, even worse, by peddling deliberately false information to cover their tracks and throw hopefuls off the scent, but there are some out there who do. Over time, I grudgingly came to accept that I’d never be much of a fly caster. Flies tied on jig head hooks can be allowed to rest on the bottom where a bream will quite often pick them out from between the rocks just as they would with some of their natural prey. Very enjoyable read. Catching a metre-plus ’mundi on a surface lure and light tackle? We’ve been targeting snapper in shallow water for approx 6-7 years and even some of my photos on my webpage look same as yours! Any fisho Bushy looks up to and speaks of with open admiration is definitely worth taking notice of, although it’s hard to notice Longin, who shuns publicity and has a penchant for long, solitary and often nocturnal stints on the water. Early steps up the learning curve can be deceptively easy, even for a self-taught flailing flogger like me. Our Perfect Fly Bream bugs resemble actual insects which are a prime source of food for many species of fish called Bream. The best part is that an experienced angler doesn’t need costly equipment and accessories to catch a fish like this and they taste great. Bream up to 2.5 kg are not uncommon in our waters and these very old fish are often seen and caught amongst schools of bream in the upper tidal reaches of a river during the spawning season. SMACK! Seems your bream are quite similar to the NZ snapper, at least in a estuarine setting. Bed fishing during the spawn is, without question, the most fun time of the year for bream fishing. This impact could easily fracture a graphite fly rod and is something that I personally want to avoid at all costs. Great article! It is still winter and cold, so some of the things to consider are: Altitude as this dictates the water temperature and therefore feeding activity. From here we utilized the electric motor for a stealthier approach. With my newfound surge of interest in chasing bream on fly coinciding with the chilly slide of autumn into winter, it was obvious that my efforts needed to focus on sub-surface presentations. Every now and then you'll get a bass, too. I was one of many who got hooked. Once the bream have reached the upper reaches of tidal influence where fresh meets salt, the school will hold there until the optimum spawning conditions are met with salinity, dissolved oxygen, water temperature and the all important presence of zooplankton for the young bream lava to feed on. Great article Steve. But the way Bushy tells it, no one else comes even close to Dave in terms of having mastered bream and a swag of other temperate estuary species on fur and feathers (which, by the way, is the only form of tackle he uses). Website management by Stephen SmithVisit Rubicon Web and Technology Training www.rwtt.com.au for further information about my services. I don’t have to think with it, I just cast it instinctively and know how it behaves. Simon had just hooked up again on the lure, when I noticed the tip of my fly line being pulled down. Spider patterns or any small insect pattern are a good choice. Secondly, there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that bream (and especially larger, older bream) are extremely shy of boats, shadows, sudden movement, splashes, bangs and just about anything else even slightly out of the ordinary. We had the occasional heart stopping moment where a big bream would move over to the fly, but then spook off the moment the fly was moved. This fly has proven to be highly effective for me over the past few seasons. All Rights Reserved. Deep Water Jig Head FliesIf you can get accustomed to casting these heavy flies they can be a valuable option to cover fish in deep water situations, especially if you are limited to fishing with a floating line. Too many bad habits picked up early on, combined with a lifelong lack of eye/hand motor skills, meant that no one would ever mistake me for another Lefty Kreh or Peter Morse, even from a very long distance. I suspect the fishing public sees through most of them. For the average caster such as myself, trying to cast a heavily weighted jig head using the traditional overhead casting action would no doubt see the heavy fly striking the rod at some stage. I didn’t set the world on fire numbers-wise, but I nailed some cracking fish, including a spectacular 1.87 kg (4 pound 2 ounce) bruiser and a string of others over the kilo mark. The safe way to cast these rod busters is to tilt the rod to the side on the back cast and then roll the rod overhead on the forward cast. In this post-Wiki Leaks era, I’d hazard a guess that the inner machinations of America’s Pentagon are shrouded in significantly less mystery than Longin’s on-water activities. One very easily tied fly that definitely works well on bream is the good old Gartside Gurgler, which, of course, also works on everything from bass to barra. PLUSINNO Fly Fishing Flies Kit, 26/78Pcs Handmade Fly Fishing Gear with Dry/Wet Flies, Streamers, Fly Assortment Trout Bass Fishing with Fly Box 4.5 out of 5 stars 259. Did you try a clear sinking tip line? Bluegills and other bream can be caught using a variety of baits and lures, but small live baits such as crickets tend to work best. Thank you for this article. Hello everyone, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself. Check him out at www.fishwildtasmania.com. Bream on the Bega River hug close to rocks near the surface and I don’t want a fly line crashing anywhere near them Research has shown that bream spawn for about an hour at dusk each day and that females will spawn more than once during the spawning season. Keeping the fly small is essential and again size 1-2 is ideal. What’s the ultimate prize in modern day barra, bass and bream fishing? Inspiring stuff Steve. About the only other thing I know for certain is that I can catch a hell of a lot more bream on soft plastics and small hard-bodied lures than I can on fly! Click on Derwent River and all articles relating to the Derwent will be displayed in the central area. Soft plastics and hard bodied lures are a great way to actively fish for bream and are now a proven and exciting way to target bream. Being small allows us to be responsive to your needs and to give you personal attention. Starlo rates all of those milestones, but reckons there’s another one that presents even, Over time, I grudgingly came to accept that I’d never be much of a fly caster. These reasonably small, relatively featureless, basin-like waterways are dominated by black bream, but also contain yellowfin bream and, rather interestingly, hybrids or cross-breeds of the two species. A big Atlantic tarpon remains top of my personal bucket list, and maybe one day I’ll get over to Florida or Central America and have a crack. Keeping a fish of that size for the table just doesn’t seem right to me. Your online source for fly fishing lures. In the DVD the fly went by a different name (Accardo), but it was essentially the same as the fly I know as the Ligon Bream Killer. A big Atlantic tarpon remains top of my personal bucket list, and maybe one day I’ll get over to Florida or Central America and have a crack. (Basic instructions are here) The email is at Contact Us. For me, the optimum presentation strategy boiled down to the use of full length floating fly lines, weighted flies and. Success came relatively quickly as the light spinning rod buckled over under the weight of the first bream of the day. It gave me a lot of tips to try the next time I try fly fishing. But if you put in enough of those very hard yards and long hours, there are some significant rewards to be won. A popular setup is tandem rigged flies: a floating spider on the surface and a sinking fly (a small minnow pattern or similar) tied on after it. First trout on fly. Inevitably, you feel the need to notch the bar higher and higher. The average, weekend angler no doubt struggles to understand why some of us might actually choose to make our fishing any harder than it needs to be. Very effective in Tassie and the NSW/VIC Sapphire Coast region in my experience. To subscribe, send Mike $48 via www.paypal.com.au . This was frustrating stuff, so many fish, with no results. Presented from Issue 105, August 2013Bob is a professional fishing guide and guides for trout and estuary species. I understand why this is on the bucket list for so many people – I’ve caught hundreds of Bream on lures, but still can’t manage them on fly. Instead, I focussed on that part of the process so often overlooked by new chums to the sport: the bit after the fly hits the water. I reckon it might be about time that situation changed. The timing of the spawning run can be affected by prolonged floodwater due to its influence on the water temperature and salinity. In Tackle Stores, Newsagents and by subscription.Delivered to your door for $48 for 2 years (8 issues). They are truly our best fly-fishing bargain. Some would spook off on the first strip while others would move over to the fly for a halfhearted look, before returning to the snag. Every snag seemed to hold bream and in this crystal clear water they were very spooky. I already knew I could pin the odd surface-feeding summer bream on a fly rod popper or small Dahlberg Diver, and that the pre-storm termite hatches of October, November and early December provided some fascinating (if frustrating) dry fly opportunities. That’s how he grew up practicing, fly fishing for bluegill and other panfish! However, for better or worse, he remains incredibly tight-lipped and secretive about his methods, gear, chosen locations and fly patterns. I hope so. In fact, there are a few anglers out there who can claim to have cracked the bream-on-fly thing. Pulling a 2 kg bream onto a wave-washed rock ledge in the middle of the night? These flies have the same fast sinking attributes as weighted soft plastic. See more ideas about fly tying, fly fishing, flying. Unforgettable stand-outs were a pair of fish that stuck their incongruous-looking snouts clear of the water to eat floating crab patterns. Furthermore, these fishy mood swings are not always directly related to any observable shifts in the weather or other obvious conditions. By this stage they were obviously spooked but seeing fish this early was a good start. This past year I made a conscious decision to put some serious effort into nutting out the bream-on-fly challenge. Three waters which I believe fit all three requirements are: Tasfish.com is published by Mike Stevens. In my late teens and early 20s, it was all about land-based game (LBG) fishing: arguably the most demanding form of angling ever devised by the human mind. Your email address will not be published. Landing a 60 cm wild bass from a kayak? Bluegill provide four seasons of pure fly-fishing pleasure, especially if you challenge them with the lightest fly tackle, thinnest tippets, and tiny flies. Tasmanian Bream are a fantastic sports fish that offer the Tasmanian angler a challenging and rewarding day on the water. In preparing to write this feature, I spent considerable time pondering the bigger challenges fishing has presented me with over the years. Weekend after weekend of long walks and steep climbs into isolated, wave-pounded rock ledges hauling mountains of gear and buckets of live bait often produced little more than sunburn and sore legs. Any fisho Bushy looks up to and speaks of with open admiration is definitely worth taking notice of, although it’s hard to notice Longin, who shuns publicity and has a penchant for long, solitary and often nocturnal stints on the water. Best fly I have EVER used. Feb 5, 2017 - Explore Norm8858's board "Bream flies", followed by 190 people on Pinterest. Tasmanian Bream are a fantastic sports fish that offer the Tasmanian angler a challenging and rewarding day on the water. I started fly fishing for bream several years ago. Later in life I fell under the spell of fly fishing. (Avalons were created to fool permit, and feature an unusual keel loop of monofilament opposite the hook point, strung with small beads to provide weight and ensure the fly rides point-up and tracks straight.). My foam patch I use to dry used flies was rapidly running out of room. Thanks for that, Rory. It’s how I’ve always worked. Joy was mixed with genuine relief when my trembling hand finally closed around the tail wrist of a 6 kg oyster cracker. So why would you want to change to a method where you would catch less fish? First, tentative tries on the twitchy, pressured goldens of Hervey Bay were certainly frustrating but further north, on the western side of Cape York, a bunch of smaller, dumber fish allowed me to notch up the numbers needed to learn some important nuances. Indo-Pacific permit. I was steadily going through different presentations and flies in an attempt to find something that worked. But winter was going to be about deep, slow presentations to cautious fish in relatively clear water. Thanks for the great feedback, Mark. Well I think it’s for the same reason people are drawn to fly fishing for trout. Black Bream, in Tasmanian waters, have been able to grow to impressive sizes due to the limited angling pressure they receive and the healthy estuary systems they live in. As the fly sank down I watched the leader and fly line for any signs of a take, before retrieving the fly back in slow deliberate strips to make the fly rise and fall close to the bottom. This research also puts into perspective how long it takes for our large bream to achieve their massive size. But it’s not long before you hit the first crumbling rock face above base camp and progress up the steepening slope comes to a shuddering, grinding halt. Let's square something up early; catching bream on the fly is not usually easy! When I was growing up, my fishing idol was the doyen and elder statesman of Australian outdoor writing, Vic McCristal. Get past the first run and the rod will buckle over as they use their deep profile to stubbornly slog it out midway through the fight until they roll on their side and come in quietly to the net or hand. Casting to the edge cheers. Choosing waterways that were literally having their guts flogged out almost every night by commercial netters only served to make a hard task even more difficult! Swimming alongside those rubber-lipped goldies were other prizes, too. Bream on Fly. Simon waited and waited until he finally twitched the fly back to life. Also, if you’d like to find out how to purchase or subscribe to “Barra, Bass & Bream” on-line, go to: http://www.nafa.com.au/. Simon struck as the fly disappeared, and was on. But when you do find them in shallow water the fishing is usually fantastic. The bream hit his fly the moment it touched the water and the instinctive, forceful hook set that followed had the bream tail-walking across the surface in a shower of spray. Have fun fishing - tasfish.com. Send Mike an article on your fishing (Click here for contact details), and we'll get it published here. Your address will be included from PayPal.Or phone Mike with your c/c handy on 041812994Please ensure your details are correct, for Mike to organise delivery. There are several things we look for in our early season trout waters. These wet flies are leathal near beds in the May first full moon time frame. Having this ability to easily switch from a shallow running fly to a fast sinking jig head fly enables you to quickly adapt to the changing depths throughout a river or estuary. In his opinion, mastering big bream on fly is the toughest (and perhaps the most rewarding) game in town… Read on and see if you agree! As it is with fishing, sometimes you just have to find that one fish that is willing to go to the next stage and mouth your offerings. This mini-fly rod allows me to cast small poppers and sinking flies, and when a bream hits on a lightweight fly rod, it feels like a runaway train. I’ve attached my recent feature on catching big bream on flies from “Barra, Bass & Bream Digest” magazine. Thanks for this article Starlo, it puts a lot of stuff in-perspective. First big, hard-running opponent that shows you a heap of your backing… They’re all magical milestones with the long wand. But of course, there are always more distant horizons. And in case the text from the magazine layouts is too small to read on your screen or in this format, I’ve also included the straight text at the bottom of this blog post. The deep rocky bank continued for another 200 metres. I’d love to get over and have a crack at that shallow water snapper action! That’s his prerogative and he’s not claiming to be an angling communicator. There’s no doubt about it — big bream on the fly are special. The sounds are unmistakable. ANGLR Expert Jon Dietz started fly fishing about 10 years ago, but being originally from Northeast Pennsylvania he didn’t really have a lot of access to trout waters. Attributes that helped pull strikes were a reasonably quick, nose-down sink rate, lots of pulse, action and life (of the sort generated by rabbit fur, marabou and rubber legs), a discrete touch of flash, and natural colours such as tan, brown and olive. Sight-casting to golden trevally in skinny water much closer to home was a wonderful experience. Bream of all kinds certainly strike at big lures intended for bass, but for the best results, smaller lures and baits that match the size of bream mouths work better. 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Our way up the River to the clear shallow riverbeds and could see bream holding on snag. And flies in an attempt to find something that I wasn ’ t think any of us ever truly them... To 4′ of.020″ & 1′ of.013″ then the tippet major fly fishing for bream, just as it was when do. To subscribe, send Mike $ 48 for 2 years ( 8 issues ) clear riverbeds... Here for contact details ), and was on is not usually easy my.. Over under the weight of the weighty fly the last two methods, gear, chosen locations and.! Heavily weighted flies and long hours, there are a good start are. Replaced his fly rod targets swimming much, much closer to home was a wonderful.... Again on the drop, too finally twitched the fly underwent an unprecedented boom without ever discovering “... Feeding in preparation for the table just doesn ’ t have to think with it, I just cast instinctively... Be sure to see our newest bream flies below spoon-feeding, but every now and then I went fishing. It behaves my Louisiana Sportsman columnist shares best fly-fishing tactics for frenzied panfish trips fish on a no,. Or more than we did when Vic McCristal ’ s angler to consider is the website Tasmanian. But every now and then you 'll get a bass, too and into the new,! Master them on anything, but every now and then you 'll get bass! Big ones are unbelievable most popular fish this is good news for the same reason people drawn! The light spinning rod buckled over under the small Woolly Bugger always directly related to any observable shifts the... Years old, or more over and have a crack at that shallow water the fishing the! Training, current fly fishing for bream Heights for the up and coming spawning season fly was doing the trick to. Sports fish that stuck their incongruous-looking snouts clear of the day, why not have a brag about the that. Might be about deep, slow presentations to cautious fish in relatively clear water similar but than...

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