You don’t have to praise every day to help kids feel motivated. When used effec-tively in the classroom, it can increase the social and academic perfor-mance of students, as well as improve classroom climate. Blog Post Reviews,” and focus on the local press, to begin with, before moving to more prominent media outlets. Positive reinforcement doesn’t necessarily need to be a tangible item. Master effective praise with these tips and praise writing examples. you remembered to return your homework this week, you Using effective wording means you are getting through to your student, and clearly communicating that you appreciate the good behavior they are exhibiting. terrific! Using effective wording means you are getting through to your student, and clearly communicating that you appreciate the … General praise can be reinforcing for some students, but the most powerful praise is specific to a student’s behavior. and I have had more time to spend helping the other Acknowledge independent thought and creativity. Using mindful language is an excellent way to keep … Here are some real-life examples from the experts that demonstrate the praise fitting the accomplishment: ... not by the positive feelings of success." continuous applause, may develop anxiety about their abilities, a fear Notice your unsung heroes. $6.99 Cheers! “Great job—you were quiet in the hallway as we passed other classrooms!” is better than “You did a good job on the way to lunch.” Your opening sentence grabbed my interest and made me want to read on. There is no pressure for her to always be that way. Great! Positive Praise. Cheers! You have worked on these problems for over half ", Used by permission of the author, Leah Davies, and selected from the Kelly Bear website []. Sometimes privately compliment in order to provide an opportunity Negative Performance Review Phrases Customer Satisfaction _____gets easily frustrated then it cones to dealing with a difficult customer and too often passes the customer on to his supervisor. Positive … Examples “I’m proud of you for getting an A” (Robs person of ownership of own achievement.) That was helpful—not only to Amy, but to the whole cast." Following is an excerpt from Positive Discipline on the di"erence between praise and encouragement. Wine Tumbler - Best Team Ever # 79954. When an employee meets or exceeds goals. 29 Examples of Encouraging Words For Kids. Positive Reinforcement at Home. part of the project.". For example, if you’ve been coaching a junior colleague on their public speaking skills, it’s important to recognize the positive points of their performance after their first presentation. Usually there is a positive link between praise and strengthening of self-esteem and reinforcing appropriate behavior. It is a personal compliment that comes in the form of a quote. Children's self-worth develops as an aside from working hard, surmounting Behavior-specific praise (BSP) gives students specific, positive verbal feedback indicating approval of social or academic behavior (e.g., “Sydney, I like how you are sitting with your hands to yourself.”). For example. That may seem to be self-evident, but I’ve observed teachers who said they were praising students, but it was done in a sarcastic manner, with the corresponding body language. ", "Boys Praise is a powerful motivating tool because it allows the teacher to selectively encourage different aspects of student production or output. $6.99 5.0 out of 5 stars New. ", "That experiment “That A re#ects your hard work.” (Recog- nizes ownership and responsibility for e"ort.) To do it well, practice, experience, and observation are essential. ", " I can see that you enjoy math. "You saw that Amy was having trouble memorizing her part for the play, so you rehearsed with her until she had all her lines down pat. However, this is not true for all children. In fact, it can prepare students for success in the long term, particularly those students who come from a disadvantaged background . Far Out! helps most when it conveys not only approval but information about the progress of asking for help, you looked up the word in the dictionary! I understand that staying late isn't easy, but the team truly appreciates it. © American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. In the same way that these 25 phrases can be used to add real value to a conversation, equally there are statements that advisors use which can have a negative influence on a customer–advisor interaction. For example. By using praise, you’re showing your child how to think and talk positively about themselves. Here are some examples for inspiration: Give an allowance or treats to encourage children to complete their chores instead of nagging. Encourage perseverance and independence by saying things Words and Phrases to Praise Your Students. Do not make it a habit to praise every positive action. 33 Items. as well as others. "You saw that Amy was having trouble memorizing her part for the play, so you rehearsed with her until she had all her lines down pat. For access to a poster with all the information that is included in this table, follow the link: Top 25 Phrases for Customer Service Use Positive Scripting. well and followed directions without any help,", "Last By recognizing that person at the right time with the right words, you can impact that person – and your company – in a highly valuable way, research says.. accomplished. must receive truthful valuation. For example. When delivered well (and well-deserved), praise gives people the drive and motivation to continue doing the caliber of work you want to see. Instead, you can positively reinforce a child’s behavior by: Is there anything else that needs to be done? Resilience : the process of adapting well in the face of difficulties in school, work, family or other areas of life; and having an array of alternative strategies that can be used when the first one doesn't work. Give her feedback that shows how much you appreciate her extra efforts. The ski instructor offering praise, the employer giving a bonus, and the teacher providing bonus points are all positive reinforcers. Right click on a white space and choose print. ", "I never thought you would pass that test—but you did! on his/her character. In the same way that these 25 phrases can be used to add real value to a conversation, equally there are statements that advisors use which can have a negative influence on a customer–advisor interaction. We are committed to advancing these principles through community engagement, organizing, collective bargaining and political activism, and especially through the work our members do. You’ve Got It Superb! ", "You sorted out your pencils, crayons, and pens, and put them in separate boxes. Positive Praise Example Phrases: How to Develop the Right Wording. Examples of Positive Reinforcement . Carol Dweck’s research provides support for this important Positive Discipline Tool for Teachers. Reinforce problem-solving skills by saying things like. If you are giving out regular praise to your entire team, you are building a culture that thrives off positive reinforcement. Example: Take a positive Google review and post it on your company’s testimonial page or your Facebook page. That's great! “Inner direction.”. Performance review examples. Right on! Praise can also create a sense of competition among students. Magnificent! Dear Jeff, I will never forget your drive to go above and beyond the call of duty for our charity fair. positive praise postcards help you praise shy students who might otherwise be embarrassed to be praised in front of the class (especially in middle and high school) they foster a growth mindset ; How to reward with positive praise: You can deliver off-the-cuff positive praise in the classroom whenever you think of it and or think it’s merited. Reference Menu. Descriptive and precise praise takes the guesswork out of what you’re praising. name), I'm glad you are in my class. Praise refers only to positive feedback; feedback alone can be either positive or negative. a child is making. For example. This type of praise tends to focus on natural talents or skills that come easily to students, rather than the effort they put in or the techniques they use. New. ", "You listened However, once the behavior becomes part of the child’s routine, it isn’t necessary to give praise every time the behavior is used. The study showed that students who received praise focused on their efforts and strategies enter a growth mindset, work harder, become more resilient, and perform better than students who were praised for their talents and abilities – these students will likely enter a fixed mindset. Here are a few specific behaviors that can be especially responsive to praise: Prosocial behavior – Praise your child for sharing, taking turns, using kind words, and getting along well with others. In order to feel strong, confident and independent, children Offering descriptive praise shows that you are paying close attention. Americans love sports. To do it well, practice, experience, and observation are essential. Encourage positive character traits in students by naming them. That's what I call being organized!". You’re Sharp Great Discovery You’re Very Responsible Brilliant Thanks for Helping You’ve Earned My Respect You’re a Pleasure to Know You’re Very Talented How Original Very Brave Congratulations! students. Wine Tumbler - All Sorts of Wonderful # 79952. Before you know it, your employees will be doing the same – spreading praise among themselves in a very natural and nurturing way. Positive feedback is especially important because it increases employees' morale and gives them a sense of purpose at work. do you feel about your report? By doing this small service, you can reap big rewards and gain some loud internet cheerleaders. Subscribe » Here's what the psychologists think about praise: "Positive reinforcement works better than punishment." ", "That's Wine Tumbler - Best Quaranteam # 79866. Foster children's discussion and evaluation of their work language. Promote initiative and attempting new skills. Changes in behavior can be encouraged by using praise and positive reinforcement techniques at home. You were being respectful." I encourage you to take 15 min today to count the positive to … ", "How Honest praise provides children Instead of: “You did it! One reason human is … Everyone in the wellness space is praising the benefits of using affirmations in daily life, but are they all they’re cracked up to be?. with future setbacks. Delivering feedback in an appropriate and nuanced way is challenging. … To meet the client's needs, Sam has worked overtime. ", " I'm glad to see you are working so hard on your spelling words! At Columbia University, and now at Stanford, Dweck has systematically studied praise across many developmental age groups (preschool to graduate school). A positive comment can help students think about working for their own satisfaction, instead of trying to earn praise from the teacher. Giving positive feedback is an important part of being a leader. by asking questions. Answers to these questions will influence how positive and negative feedback are handled. To print the lesson on 150 different ways to give praise and encouragement. The following examples may provide a starting point: Say things like. Positive praise and affirmations are essential in helping kids feel good about themselves and learn in a safe environment. Effective praise focuses on a child's effort rather than on what is actually And when we do praise children, it should be genuine: praise that is specific, e.g., "That was very kind of you to clean up your toys without being reminded,” rather than generic, e.g., "You are wonderful," and praise focused on behavior, e.g., "You came up with a very creative solution," rather than the person, e.g., "You are so smart." Positive reinforcement – in the form of genuine behavior-specific praise – can impact the classroom environment in numerous ways. ", "Since you PBIS World Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Tier 2 intervention of The Praise Game, a simple and easy timer based intervention to help reinforce, encourage, and increase expected and on task behaviors for all students as well as Tier 1 and 3 students. ", "(Child's The following examples may provide a starting point: Acknowledge a child's specific behavior rather than commenting I appreciate your honesty. positive praise postcards help you praise shy students who might otherwise be embarrassed to be praised in front of the class (especially in middle and high school) they foster a growth mindset ; How to reward with positive praise: You can deliver off-the-cuff positive praise in the classroom whenever you think of it and or think it’s merited. or "You're These examples point out a single instance in which a student has been helpful, honest, or organized. ", "You put the books away without being asked. have done better in math have been doing all your math homework, you have brought up your grade! for an open, honest exchange. These examples point out a single instance in which a student has been helpful, honest, or organized. Praise Children’s Efforts And The Process, Not Their Achievement or Ability. $6.99 Cheers! Relate praise to effort and to how it benefited the child that is not contingent on their work. can see that you worked hard on this project. It’s your job to set the example. Delivering feedback in an appropriate and nuanced way is challenging. For example, say. Praise nurtures your child’s confidence and sense of self. When you can sit back and observe, I believe you can change the world by giving more positive praise! Thank … Your example is a great lesson for us all. did not work out. Cheers! You cleaned the brushes and put away all the art materials without being asked. ", "Instead ", "You told me what happened at recess today even though you knew I might get angry. Try : “I've been watching you try to tie your shoelaces for a long time now. and now you But if you’re looking to get started, follow the Action Item(s) for “5. Amazing Effort! A goal of educators is to help children to become intrinsically motivated. Relate praise to effort and to how it benefited the child as well as others. A: The great thing about praising positive behavior is that at first, a child will use a positive behavior over and over in order to earn praise. “Rewards, including praise, are much more effective than punishment in teaching positive behavior,” she continues. Reserve exuberant praise for outstanding effort. “It’s really admirable how you always see projects through from conception to completion.” Since a compliment’s free to give out and does much for morale and more, it pays to show your team much love. The small gestures of praise are often the most effective. In each of these situations, the reinforcement is an additional stimulus occurring after the behavior that increases the likelihood that the behavior will occur again in the future. Fantastic! Bravo; Awesome; Beautiful; Congratulations; Fantastic; Good; Good for you; Great job; Hot dog; You rock; Sensational; Wonderful; Much better; Nice going; Cool; Unbelievable work; Phenomenal; Well done; Super job; Wow What a genius; Very brave; Far out; Great effort; Way to go; You are A-Ok; Right on; How extraordinary; That’s incredible; High five The American Federation of Teachers is a union of professionals that champions fairness; democracy; economic opportunity; and high-quality public education, healthcare and public services for our students, their families and our communities. You know how powerful your words can be: especially when you’re giving praise to someone for a job well done. Children, who have grown accustomed to frustrations, and overcoming obstacles. such as. As a kids yoga teacher, I have been using mindful language, positive praise, and affirmations with kids for many years.. All of these have contributed to a safe and fun environment for my kids in our classroom.. There is no pressure for her to always be that way. Outstanding Performance Marvelous I Can’t Get Over It! The companies in Gallup's study with the highest employee engagement levels use recognition and praise as a powerful motivator to get employees' commitment. Praise Have you ever thought about applying for a management role in the future? Use evidence-based behavior-specific praise (BSP). The most popular team sports are baseball, football, basketball, soccer and hockey. an interesting idea. This story appears in the February 2012 issue of . Praise is when you tell your child that you like what they’re doing or how they’re behaving – for example, ‘Great job, Riley’, ‘Well done, Jo’ or ‘That’s awesome, AB’. “Reliable”, “consistent”, and “trustworthy” are the kinds of characteristics … Wonderful! Although positive phrases are used in all cultures, they’re especially important for American culture. $6.99 4.67 out of 5 stars New. Students should be able to identify exactly what they did well and know the positive behavior you want them to repeat. You Make Me Smile You’re the Greatest! First, praise should always be positive. Acknowledge a child's effort or progress without judgment using clear, specific I-statements work best when the praise eschews hyperbole. To conduct an effective performance review, it’s important to deliver a positive and solution-focused message. of failure, a reluctance to try new things, and be ill-prepared to cope terrific!" Unbelievable Work You Should Be Proud Phenomenal! Can you tell me about it? ", "Since Tell me more. standing close, listening intently, and assisting when needed. good student. Demonstrate interest and acceptance in children because they have innate value Illustrations, as well as text, can not be used without permission from Kelly. 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